The Board approved a motion mandating SSMU General Manager Ryan Hughes to investigate alleged leaks to student media during their Sept. 24 meeting. At the Oct. 16 meeting, Hughes presented the findings of his investigation to the Board. SSMU President Muna Tojiboeva, VP Internal Maya Koparkar, and VP Student Life Jemark Earle were asked to leave the SSMU boardroom for the length of the closed session, and Khan, who was attending the Blueprints for Success conference in Los Angeles on behalf of SSMU, was absent from the meeting entirely.
Campus planning open house puts the future of McGill on display
From Oct. 11 to 13, McGill University’s Planning and Development Office (PDO) hosted an interactive open house for members of the McGill community to learn about future planning initiatives meant to improve both the downtown and Macdonald campuses. Open House on the Real Estate Master Plan McGill’s downtown campus[Read More…]
McGill students to face increase in automated copyright infringement emails
Any student who frequently torrents movies in McLennan is probably familiar with the email notice from McGill letting them know that the copyright owner complained. IT Services wants to expedite this process, and send out more of these emails at a faster rate. In June 2017, the department installed an[Read More…]
Philosopher Charles Taylor delivers 2017 Beatty Memorial Lecture
On Oct. 12, philosopher Professor Emeritus Charles Taylor delivered the 2017 Beatty Memorial Lecture “The Challenge of Regressive Democracy,” at Pollack Hall. Taylor discussed recent nativist and populist waves in Western politics and their impact on major events such as Brexit and the 2016 general election in the United States.[Read More…]
Inter-campus shuttle faces overcapacity issues and student complaints
At the start of the Fall 2017 term, a number of students claimed to have experienced issues with taking the inter-campus shuttle between McGill’s Downtown and Macdonald campuses due to overcapacity. According to students’ complaints, buses fill up quickly during several periods, sometimes leaving a number of students unable to[Read More…]
Eating Disorder Program cutbacks reveal pre-existing flaws in the system
At the beginning of the Fall semester, McGill University Student Services quietly closed its Eating Disorder Program (EDP). Since 2009, the EDP has provided professional healthcare, support, and group therapy for students grappling with all forms of eating disorders. September’s reforms dispersed these services across existing counselling and psychiatric departments,[Read More…]
Community Engagement Day promotes solidarity between McGill and local organizations
On Sept. 28, the Social Equity and Diversity Education Office (SEDE) held the sixth annual Community Engagement Day (CED). Programming took place at various locations across Montreal—including on McGill’s downtown campus—and approximately 30 organizations participated, including the Montreal LGBTQ+ community centre, Radical Accessibility Audit Project (RAAP) Montreal, and Seeing Voices[Read More…]
‘Victims of Socialism’ presentation stirs up controversy on campus
On Sept 25, George Harbison, chief financial officer of Unitek Learning, gave a talk on the “The Victims of Socialism.” The talk was hosted by the Conservative Association (CA) at McGill University in conjunction with The Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation. Though the event title alluded to a discussion of[Read More…]
Ferrier computer lab shut down, speaker resignation announced at AUS legislative council
On Sept. 27, the Arts Undergraduate Society (AUS) Legislative Council met for the second time this year to discuss a handful of topics, including equity training, new study spaces, and a commuter committee. Speaker of Council Jason Barron resigns At the start of the meeting, President Erik Partridge opened with[Read More…]
Consent McGill highlights the existence of sexual assault and how to react to it
Consent McGill has returned for its fourth consecutive year to provide students with education and support on campus sexual violence. Bianca Tétrault, the sexual violence education advisor at the Office for Sexual Violence Response, Support, and Education (O-SVRSE), continues to lead the campaign with O-SVRSE sexual response advisor Émilie Marcotte[Read More…]