
HANY Refugee Summit hosts experts to discuss new approaches to global refugee crisis

On Feb. 5, the HANY Refugee Summit brought together four experts of various professional backgrounds to discuss the modern refugee crisis. McGill professor Arash Abizadeh, Co-director of the National Observatory on Language Rights Frédéric Bérard, Executive Director of Action Réfugiés Montréal Paul Clarke, and Managing Partner at XPND Capital Alexandre[Read More…]

AUS discusses support for prospective students affected by the U.S. travel ban

On Feb. 8, the Arts Undergraduate Society (AUS) Legislative Council passed four motions, which pertained to student jobs, reforming the McGill Psychology Students’ Association constitution, screening potential Vice-President (VP) Finance candidates, and support for prospective students affected by the U.S. travel ban. Motion to Amend Arts Student Employment Fund (ASEF)[Read More…]

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