
McGill takes the stage at Davos

From Jan. 17 to 20, McGill Principal and Vice-Chancellor Suzanne Fortier attended the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland to discuss labour markets for post-secondary graduates and to present research on sustainability and global connectivity. Fortier was accompanied by Professor Andrew Gonzalez of the Department of Biology, Assistant Professor[Read More…]

Spousal hiring at McGill

A professor, who is remaining anonymous, was previously a faculty lecturer at McGill University. From her perspective, she had done everything that was expected of a good academic. She had good student reviews, published papers, and made presentations at international conferences. So when she was suddenly told that McGill would[Read More…]

Senate Report on CAMSR Open Forums on Sustainability seeks to address participant frustrations

At the Jan. 18 meeting of the McGill Senate, Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic) Christopher Manfredi presented a Report on the McGill Committee to Advise on Matters of Social Responsibility’s (CAMSR) September Open Forums on Sustainability and a written response to its recommendations. In addition, senators addressed questions submitted by Students’[Read More…]

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