On Feb. 24, Diana C. Mutz, a professor of Political Science and Communication at the University of Pennsylvania (UPenn), gave a presentation at Thomson House on her study “Mass Opinion Toward Trade in the United States and Canada.” The event was sponsored by the Centre for the Study of Democratic[Read More…]
Start of Fiat Lux major library upgrade delayed until more fundraising pledges are received
Fiat Lux, which means ‘Let there be light’, is a renovation project for the Humanities and Social Science Library, which includes the McLennan and Redpath buildings. It aims to equip library facilities with state-of-the-art technology, in line with modern needs. The project is estimated to last five years and is[Read More…]
McGill Indigenous Studies Program hosts criminologist Lisa Monchalin
On Feb. 24, the McGill Indigenous Studies Program hosted Lisa Monchalin, criminology professor at Kwantlen Polytechnic University and the first indigenous woman in Canada to receive a PhD in criminology, for the presentation of her new book The Colonial Problem: An Indigenous Perspective on Crime and Injustice in Canada. “As[Read More…]
Indigenous McGill lecturer Orenda Boucher’s status card rejected while shopping
On Feb. 10, a clerk at Kiki & Co refused to recognize McGill Institute for the Study of Canada (MISC) Lecturer Orenda Boucher’s Indian status card, denying her the sales tax exemption that is granted to the Mohawks of Kahnawake, to which she belongs, by the Province of Quebec. According[Read More…]
‘Conversations with Muslims’ encourages discourse after Quebec City mosque attack
In response to the Quebec City mosque attack on Jan. 29, Conversations with Muslims was an open discussion between Muslim volunteer speakers and primarily non-Muslim participants. By organizing the event, international Community Action Network Executive Director at the McGill School of Social Work Amal Elsana and Egyptian Canadian Coalition for[Read More…]
McGill Senate discusses 2017-2022 Strategic Academic Plan
The McGill Senate met on Feb.15 for an open discussion on McGill’s Strategic Academic Plan for 2017 to 2022, a presentation of the Staffing Report for 2016, and to pass a motion formally recognizing the celebration of Black History Month by the university. Open discussion on the McGill University Strategic[Read More…]
Kevin O’Leary speaks at McGill
Candidate for leadership of the Conservative Party of Canada Kevin O’Leary came to McGill University on Feb. 13. He elaborated on his platform for jobs and social inclusivity in an exclusive interview with The McGill Tribune, as well as in a speech at the Shatner Building. Of foremost importance to[Read More…]
HANY Refugee Summit hosts experts to discuss new approaches to global refugee crisis
On Feb. 5, the HANY Refugee Summit brought together four experts of various professional backgrounds to discuss the modern refugee crisis. McGill professor Arash Abizadeh, Co-director of the National Observatory on Language Rights Frédéric Bérard, Executive Director of Action Réfugiés Montréal Paul Clarke, and Managing Partner at XPND Capital Alexandre[Read More…]
Anti-Zionist tweet prompts lengthy question period at SSMU Council
This past Thursday, Feb. 9, the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Legislative Council hosted speakers from McGill Athletics and Recreation and the Association for the Voice of Education in Quebec (AVEQ). In addition, two out of four motions were passed: the Motion for SSMU to Advocate for an Immediate Suspension of[Read More…]
OSD continues to be plagued with long wait times and lack of staff
Recently, the McGill Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) has faced a lack of capacity and resources due to a heavy demand from students. The OSD’s mission is to provide students who experience permanent and temporary disability, illness, and injury with a wide range of services, including workshops, note-taking services,[Read More…]