Managing News Editor Calvin Trottier-Chi talks us through some of the most important news on campus involving the senate, fossil fuels, discrimination, and elections!
News, off and on campus.
Number of harassment complaints double in 2017-18
McGill announced that Sinead Hunt has been appointed to the position of Senior Equity and Inclusion Advisor (SEIA) in an email to the student body on Sept. 9. The SEIA acts as a first contact for students attempting to report instances of harassment or discrimination on campus. The number of[Read More…]
Phishers target McGill students for account information
With school starting and registration emails at their peak, it is the most convenient time for phishers to scam unsuspecting members of the McGill community. Emails were sent from familiar sources with text reading “Cannot show this message” and a green box directing the user to an error page and[Read More…]
Forum on future renaming draws debate
A diverse group including McGill alumni, professors, varsity athletes, and campus groups representing racialized students met on Sept. 12 in New Chancellor Day Hall to give feedback on a draft report suggesting principles for future commemoration and renaming initiatives on campus. The report was published by the Working Group on[Read More…]
McGill cancels classes in accordance with the Election Act
On Oct. 1, residents across Quebec will head to the polls to vote in the province’s forty-second general election for the National Assembly of Quebec. In accordance with Section 306 of the Election Act, McGill University will be cancelling all classes, laboratories, and examinations for its students on election day.[Read More…]
McGill Senate votes to support divestment from fossil fuels
The McGill University Senate—the governing body responsible for academic policy on campus—approved a motion endorsing divestment from fossil fuels on Sept. 12. Senators also delivered four annual progress reports relevant to academic matters, including an update on the Policy on Harassment, Sexual Harassment and Discrimination Prohibited by Law. Determination of[Read More…]
Université de Montréal kicks off the provincial election
In advance of the upcoming Quebec provincial election, Parti Québécois (PQ) leader Jean-François Lisée spoke about about public transportation, unpaid internships, and the role of science in society at the Université de Montréal’s (UdeM) Ernest-Cormier amphitheatre on Sep. 11. The event was organized by the Fédération des associations étudiantes du[Read More…]
McGill’s Forgotten Freshmen: forgotten no more
The Facebook error that has plagued McGill students for over a year has been fixed. The error prevented McGill students from accessing the McGill Facebook community, which is supposed to be open to anyone with an “” email. Access to the community is necessary to view and create posts in[Read More…]
Diplomatic dispute forces Saudi students out of McGill
Saudi Arabian students studying at Canadian universities were given until Aug. 31 to leave Canada after an announcement terminated all state-sponsored scholarships allowing Saudi students to study in the country. The dispute began in early August, when Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs Chrystia Freeland called for Saudi Arabia to release[Read More…]
McGill governance 101
STUDENTS’ SOCIETY OF MCGILL UNIVERSITY (SSMU) The governing body for undergraduate and professional students. What They Do SSMU’s mandate includes supervising undergraduate clubs and extracurricular activities, managing and ensuring the sustainability of Gerts and other long-term operations, advocating for student interests in the Senate, and planning social events such as[Read More…]