On May 11, Start Proud MTL held the second edition of Gathering of the Next Generation, a LGBTQIA2 networking event at Thomson House. Formerly known as “Out On Bay Street,” Start Proud MTL is a non-profit organization that seeks to support LGBTQIA2 students’ professional development and promote a more LGBTQIA2-inclusive[Read More…]
News, off and on campus.
Sadie’s permanently closes
On April 13, the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) sent an email informing its students that Sadie’s, a student-run cafe located in the SSMU building, would permanently close on May 5. The cafe–formerly known as simply the Student Run Cafeteria or SRC–had continuously faced deficits since it opened in[Read More…]
FYC considers additional reforms
Many universities have clubs and services tailored to make the transition from high school to university as smooth as possible. In addition to the Inter-Residence Council (IRC) and various faculty first-year organizations, McGill has a First Year Council (FYC), an official student body which was created under the Students’ Society[Read More…]
SSMU Council passes Motion to Advocate for Changes to the Code of Student Conduct
On April 6, the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Legislative Council held its last meeting of the term. During this meeting, the Council passed a motion to advocate for changes to the McGill Code of Student Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures, addressed concerns surrounding the role of the Board of[Read More…]
Desmond Cole addresses the logic of white supremacy
On March 27, Toronto activist and journalist Desmond Cole spoke as the Debate Union’s David A. Freedman Speaker for 2017. The title of his talk was, “The Language and Logic of White Supremacy.” There were about 150 people in the audience, and over 2,000 people watching over the Facebook livestream.[Read More…]
QISS Innovation Seminar Series presents: Cities of the Future
On March 29, Quartier de l’Innovation Students’ Society (QISS) held its fourth Innovation Seminar Series, titled Cities of the Future. Speakers Virinder Kudhail, Soliman Abu-Samra, and Béatrice Couture presented their views on urban development and what it may look like in the future. Virinder Kudhail is currently a Senior Operations[Read More…]
McGill Students’ Mental Health Working Group publishes open letter
On March 31, the McGill Students’ Mental Health Working Group released an open letter addressed to Deputy Provost (Student Life and Learning) Ollivier Dyens, expressing concerns about the recent restructuring of McGill Counselling and Mental Health Services (MCMHS). Counselling and Mental Health Services were separate units until they were combined[Read More…]
Year in review 2016-2017
2016-2017 SSMU executive reviews
The McGill Tribune Editorial Board reviewed the 2016-2017 Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) executives on their performance. Although these summaries intend to review the executives' entire term, not all information received regarding each executive was published due to space constraints in the paper. In its editorial discussion, the Tribune evaluated each executive[Read More…]
2016-2017 PGSS executive reviews
The McGill Tribune Editorial Board reviews the 2016-2017 Post-Graduate Students’ Society executives on their performance. Although these summaries intend to review the executives' entire terms, not all information received regarding each executive was published due to space constraints in the paper. In its editorial discussion, the Tribune evaluated each executive based on feedback[Read More…]