
News, off and on campus.

SSMU Indigenous Affairs Committee hosts Indigeneity & Solidarity Week 2017

From March 13 to 18, the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Indigenous Affairs Committee hosted the second annual Indigeneity and Solidarity Week in conjunction with the Indigenous Student Alliance (ISA), the American Indian Science and Engineering Society, the Indigenous Studies Program, and First Peoples’ House. Speakers conducted workshops, panel[Read More…]

Century resigns from MUSA Executive following backlash from SSMU campaign

On March 16, the Music Undergraduate Students’ Association (MUSA) announced that Noah Century resigned from his position as Vice-President (VP) External. Century had previously campaigned for the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) VP External Affairs position, but withdrew his candidacy after a Formal Censure from Elections SSMU. Elections SSMU[Read More…]

Elections SSMU invalidates ballots

On March 13, Elections SSMU invalidated votes cast on the first day of the election period. Since the preferential voting system required by Internal Regulations and Referenda, Section 6.1 was omitted in the service, students whose ballots were cancelled will have to vote again. The aforementioned clause ensures a winner[Read More…]

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