
News, off and on campus.

Spousal hiring at McGill

A professor, who is remaining anonymous, was previously a faculty lecturer at McGill University. From her perspective, she had done everything that was expected of a good academic. She had good student reviews, published papers, and made presentations at international conferences. So when she was suddenly told that McGill would[Read More…]

SSMU launches new Executive Shadowing Program

The Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) executive team is made up of seven enrolled students who oversee aspects of student life on campus. Each executive has been elected by the student body to manage a specific portfolio; positions include Vice-President (VP) Operations, VP University Affairs, VP Student Life, VP[Read More…]

PGSS sends Legal Information Clinic Referendum Question to online ratification

On Jan. 18, the Post-Graduate Students’ Society (PGSS) voted to send the Legal Information Clinic at McGill (LICM) Referendum Question to online ratification, considered an invitation to collaborate on Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS), and discussed Thomson House fees. Legal Information Clinic Referendum Question PGSS Council members voted to send[Read More…]

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