
News, off and on campus.

Mayor Coderre holds consultations to open Montreal Urban Aboriginal Health Centre

The Montreal Urban Aboriginal Health Committee (MUAHC), an organization mandated to empowering the health of Montreal’s Aboriginal communities, has successfully brought the city’s mayor, Denis Coderre, and his cabinet into public consultations to open an Aboriginal health centre in Montreal. The health centre would provide free services to those of[Read More…]

AUS discusses support for prospective students affected by the U.S. travel ban

On Feb. 8, the Arts Undergraduate Society (AUS) Legislative Council passed four motions, which pertained to student jobs, reforming the McGill Psychology Students’ Association constitution, screening potential Vice-President (VP) Finance candidates, and support for prospective students affected by the U.S. travel ban. Motion to Amend Arts Student Employment Fund (ASEF)[Read More…]

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