Joseph Decunha, U3 Physics, was refused entry into the United States at the St-Bernard-de-Lacolle crossing border crossing on the night of Jan. 19. He was planning to attend the Women’s March on Washington, a day-long protest calling for action on a broad range of issues, such as women’s rights, racial[Read More…]
News, off and on campus.
SSMU to assist clubs, independent student groups in transitions
On April 7, 2016, the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Services Review Committee and the Board of Directors (BoD) prompted seven student groups to change their status within the SSMU structure. The Savoy Society, Elections SSMU, First Year Council, and the McGill International Student Network lost their status as[Read More…]
Protesters worldwide demonstrate to express opposition to President Trump
Crowds of more than 500,000 people gathered on the National Mall in Washington D.C. on Saturday, Jan. 21 to take part in the Women’s March on Washington. It was one of 673 marches throughout the world. Occurring just one day after the inauguration of President Donald J. Trump, the marches[Read More…]
PGSS sends Legal Information Clinic Referendum Question to online ratification
On Jan. 18, the Post-Graduate Students’ Society (PGSS) voted to send the Legal Information Clinic at McGill (LICM) Referendum Question to online ratification, considered an invitation to collaborate on Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS), and discussed Thomson House fees. Legal Information Clinic Referendum Question PGSS Council members voted to send[Read More…]
Former Canadian High Commissioner James Wright speaks at round table event in Montreal
On Jan. 18, former Canadian high commissioner to the UK James Wright spoke at the University Club of Montreal at the “Brexit’s Fallout on International Security” event jointly organised by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Association of Canada and the Montreal Press Club. The discussion centred on the consequences[Read More…]
AVEQ criticizes government consultation efforts on sexual violence
Government consultation efforts On Jan. 12, the Association for the Voice of Education in Quebec (AVEQ) released a statement in collaboration with the Association pour un Solidarité Syndicale Étudiante (ASSÉ) in response to government consultations regarding sexual violence. Kristen Perry, AVEQ coordinator of Mobilization and Associative Development/English language media relations,[Read More…]
Senate Report on CAMSR Open Forums on Sustainability seeks to address participant frustrations
At the Jan. 18 meeting of the McGill Senate, Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic) Christopher Manfredi presented a Report on the McGill Committee to Advise on Matters of Social Responsibility’s (CAMSR) September Open Forums on Sustainability and a written response to its recommendations. In addition, senators addressed questions submitted by Students’[Read More…]
Canadians join the Women’s March on Washington
On Jan. 21, the day after Donald Trump’s inauguration as the 45th President of the United States, over 200,000 people are expected to take to the streets of Washington D.C. to make their voices heard for human rights. The movement started with Hawaiian grandmother Teresa Shook, who posted on Facebook[Read More…]
Uncover McGill hosts dialogue on justice and forgiveness
Uncover McGill, a series of talks across six days aimed at sparking conversations about spirituality-related topics among members of the McGill community began on Jan. 16. The first day’s panel, “A Dialogue on God”, hosted in the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) ballroom, discussed the meaning of forgiveness and[Read More…]
McGill Faculty of Law introduces intensive course on indigenous law
After its holiday break, the Faculty of Law launched a week-long intensive course on indigenous law as part of its mandatory first-year Integration Workshop. The first of its kind at McGill, the course sets out to introduce first-year law students to indigenous legal tradition. The 2015 Report of the Truth[Read More…]