For the first time since 2009, the Royal Canadian Legion’s Remembrance Day ceremony will not be held on McGill’s Lower Field due to the construction on Sherbrooke. The ceremony will instead take place at the newly renovated Place du Canada on Rene-Levesque Boulevard. Administrative Coordinator for the Office of the[Read More…]
News, off and on campus.
QPIRG-McGill runs Existence Referendum
From Nov. 3 to Nov. 8, the McGill branch of the Quebec Public Interest Research Group (QPIRG-McGill) is running an existence referendum to determine whether students will continue to fund QPIRG-McGill through an opt-outable student fee of $5.00 per semester. QPIRG was established at McGill as a student club in 1980[Read More…]
SSMU Council creates democratic review committee
At the Nov. 3 meeting, the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Legislative Council voted in favour of supporting the Quebec Public Research Group (QPIRG) existence referendum, restructuring Senator elections for the Faculty of Engineering, and creating a Democratic Review Committee. Engineering Senator Elections Council passed the Motion Regarding Electing[Read More…]
Draft Policy against Sexual Violence discussed at McGill Senate
On Oct. 19, McGill Senate convened to discuss the proposed Draft Policy against Sexual Violence as well as the relocation of the McGill bookstore, Le James. In addition, the Senate Committee on Physical Development offered their Annual Report. Draft Policy against Sexual Violence The Draft Policy against Sexual Violence was[Read More…]
Fall 2016 SSMU General Assembly: What are SSMU members voting for?
On Nov. 7, the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) will hold the Fall 2016 General Assembly (GA), where the student body will have the opportunity to vote directly on proposed motions and referenda questions. The three motions presented this Fall must be approved by popular referendum in order to[Read More…]
Edward Snowden speaks on privacy and surveillance at McGill
Lecture delay and AMUSE picket A line of students stretched around the Leacock Building to the Milton Gates as Edward Snowden, former contractor for the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA), held an exclusive video conference hosted by Media@McGill on the evening of Nov. 3. Snowden was streaming via Google Hangouts[Read More…]
Doing it right: Student Services seeks to re-open Shag Shop
McGill’s Shag Shop is looking to move into a physical space again as renovations of Student Services in the Brown Building are expected to begin in February 2017. Since 2005, the Shag Shop, a safe sex and health store, has been offering products ranging from contraceptives to vibrators and toys[Read More…]
University Provost hosts town hall to discuss McGill budget
McGill’s Office of the Budget held a town hall on Oct. 25 to discuss the McGill budget for the 2017 fiscal year, explain how it was created, and allow the public to ask questions and give their input about what they would like to see included as the budget is finalized[Read More…]
Tribune Explains: GA and Referenda
What is the General Assembly? The General Assembly (GA) is a method of direct decision-making that takes place once a semester for members of Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU). The Fall GA will take place on Nov. 7 at 3 p.m. in the Shatner Building. All SSMU members, which[Read More…]
SEAMLESS event connects students to McGill student services
The Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) and Campus Life and Engagement (CL&E) invited speakers from six McGill offices to table at the fifth annual Student Executives at the McGill Learning, Engaging, Sharing, and Strategizing (SEAMLESS) summit on Oct. 24. The event aims to inform student leaders about services provided[Read More…]