With construction currently taking place on the downtown McGill campus, there have been an increase in competition for bike parking. According to Paul Guenther, senior campus planner, internal surveys conducted by the Campus and Space Planning Department have shown that cyclists are not only discontented with the lack of bike[Read More…]
News, off and on campus.
SSMU Council creates ad hoc committee on equity
On Sept. 15, the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Legislative Council held its first meeting of the semester, with several speeches, extensive debate, and confusing points. Council passed five motions, including the Motion of the Adoption of the Standing Rules, the creation of an Ad Hoc Equitable Governance Reform Committee,[Read More…]
Meet the 2016-2017 SSMU & PGSS executives
What have you done this summer? I’ve been working on a few things [….] I was working on this project called a crash pad pilot for frosh. I had about 100 kids sleeping in the [Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU)] ballroom instead of going home […and we] kept some[Read More…]
McGill replaces clickers with online cloud system in Fall 2016
As of Fall 2016, courses at McGill University will no longer use clickers for in-class surveys. Instead, Teaching and Learning Services (TLS) has introduced TurningPoint Cloud, a new web-based polling technology. Unlike clickers, TurningPoint Cloud is free for students, allowing them to mark their attendance and participate in quizzes and[Read More…]
McGill University releases Draft Policy against Sexual Violence
McGill University has released a draft of its Policy against Sexual Violence as of the morning of Monday, Sept. 12. The draft comes after a consultation period, which started in April, during which the university sought feedback from various campus groups, including the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) and[Read More…]
McTavish blocked by City of Montreal construction
Projects to continue through Spring 2017 Major construction projects on and around McGill’s downtown campus are set to cause inconveniences and challenges for students lasting through the 2016-2017 year. The City of Montreal’s Promenade Fleuve-Montagne urban project–part of next year’s 375th anniversary celebration of the city’s founding–is a beautification initiative[Read More…]
Engineering welcomes new undergraduate program
The Department of Bioengineering opened its undergraduate program to 30 incoming U0 and U1 students this Fall. According to Antonella Fratino, Administrative Assistant at the Department of Bioengineering, the undergraduate program is the first of its kind in Canada. After the graduate program was established at McGill in 2012, the[Read More…]
McGill Governance 101
McGill University has an extensive system of governance bodies that manage its affairs from the undergraduate level up to administration. Making sense of this immensely complicated system is challenging to the untrained student, so we’re here to help you understand the who’s and what’s of this year’s campus politics. SSMU[Read More…]
Task Force on Indigenous Studies and Education to launch this fall
This fall, McGill will be launching a Provost Task Force on Indigenous Studies and Indigenous Education. Led by co-chairs Paige Isaac, Coordinator of First Peoples’ House, Hudson Meadwell, Chair of the Department of Political Science, and Angela Campbell, Associate Provost (Policies, Procedures and Equity), the task force will propose initiatives[Read More…]
Polish Institute of Canada to vacate location on McGill campus while students petition
The Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences in Canada (PIASA), which has occupied 3479 Rue Peel since 1969, housing a collection of nearly 50,000 books and documents, was informed by McGill that it must move out of its building by June 1. PIASA received this verbal request from the administration on[Read More…]