
News, off and on campus.

McTavish blocked by City of Montreal construction

Projects to continue through Spring 2017 Major construction projects on and around McGill’s downtown campus are set to cause inconveniences and challenges for students lasting through the 2016-2017 year. The City of Montreal’s Promenade Fleuve-Montagne urban project–part of next year’s 375th anniversary celebration of the city’s founding–is a beautification initiative[Read More…]

Engineering welcomes new undergraduate program

The Department of Bioengineering opened its undergraduate program to 30 incoming U0 and U1 students this Fall. According to Antonella Fratino, Administrative Assistant at the Department of Bioengineering, the undergraduate program is the first of its kind in Canada. After the graduate program was established at McGill in 2012, the[Read More…]

McGill Governance 101

McGill University has an extensive system of governance bodies that manage its affairs from the undergraduate level up to administration. Making sense of this immensely complicated system is challenging to the untrained student, so we’re here to help you understand the who’s and what’s of this year’s campus politics.  SSMU[Read More…]

Upgrade Planned for McGill WI-Fi

The McGill Network Infrastructure Group plans to upgrade the campus wireless internet services at the beginning of next year. According to Spiro Mitsialis, manager of the Network Infrastructure, the last major upgrade was completed in 2006, but smaller upgrades to service are consistently made to ensure that it can provide[Read More…]

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