
News, off and on campus.

McGill Against Austerity hosts panel, “Protesting, Police, and Knowing Your Rights”

McGill Against Austerity continued its series of workshops on Feb. 17 with a presentation entitled “Protesting, Police, and Knowing Your Rights,” given by civil lawyer Max Silverman. A former McGill student, Silverman currently practices with law firm Avocat Montreal and teaches at Concordia University. He talked about the history of[Read More…]

Breaking down the SSMU GA motions

Motion Regarding the Procurement of Products Containing Conflict Minerals This motion concerning divestment from sourcing of conflict-free minerals from Congo was moved by Ceci Steyn, U2 Arts. “I moved this motion because while many other divestment movements are well known, most people aren't aware that the minerals in their electronics[Read More…]

Live updates from the Winter 2016 SSMU GA

Can't be at the Students' Society of McGill University (SSMU) Winter 2016 General Assembly (GA)? We've got you covered with live updates. There are a variety of motions being discussed. Additionally, the GA will also see a discussion regarding whether McGill should be a smoke-free campus. The Tribune Editorial Board has also made[Read More…]

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