On Feb. 6, Cornell University novelist, poet and English Professor Mukoma Wa Ngugi delivered the keynote address as part of a three-day African Development Convention hosted by the McGill African Students Society (MASS). In his hour-long address, Ngugi touched on a range of topics including economic inequality, terrorism, and the[Read More…]
News, off and on campus.
Sandwiches to return to SNAX
Sandwiches will return to SNAX, following the Jan. 27 Arts Undergraduate Society of McGill University (AUS) council vote to accept the McGill administration’s letter of permission concerning the sale of sandwiches at SNAX, and the proposed Memorandum of Agreement (MoA). Council also approved a motion to restructure the hire of[Read More…]
SUS discusses UÉQ, AVÉQ
The Science Undergraduate Society (SUS) addressed the possibility of Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) joining a provincial student union at its Feb. 3 Council meeting and the depletion of its Special Projects Fund (SPF). Council also heard updates on the renovations in the Environmental Science building. Student federations SSMU[Read More…]
SSMU base fee increase question fails by 17 votes
This is a developing story. Please check back later for updates. After two weeks of campaigning, voting for the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Winter Special Referendum has closed. The referendum proposed a $5.50 increase in the base fee per term as well as the addition of a seventh[Read More…]
The red door flags MACES’ progress, but also underlying issues
The executive board of McGill’s Association of Continuing Education Studies (MACES) recently saw the resignation of two board members, including their vice-president (VP) finance Ghassan Berro and senator Nely Gaulea. These resignations have left a total of three vacant seats on their board. In 2012, an article published by the[Read More…]
SSMU hosts panel on diversity in academia
McGill staff has seen little change in diversity since the 2008 implentation of an employment equity policy. Students and faculty came together to discuss issues of employment equity this past Thursday at a panel entitled Diversity In Academia. Hosted by the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU), the panel featured[Read More…]
Student group tackles misconceptions surrounding marijuana legalization
On Jan. 27, students discussed cannabis legalization at an open forum held at the Yellow Door, led by the McGill chapter of the Canadian Students for Sensible Drug Policy (CSSDP). Their goal as an organization, according to their website, is to discuss the negative impacts of drug policies on individuals[Read More…]
Fight for Fifteen panel criticizes casualization of McGill employees
As part of the In the Streets & In the Courts—a radical law forum organized by student associations in the Faculty of Law—the Fight for Fifteen panel opened a discussion about raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2018, and improving worker benefits. Panellists Molly Swain, president of[Read More…]
SSMU Council sees controversy over involvement in new student federations
At its Jan. 27 Council meeting, the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) clarified questions regarding their involvement in forming two new provincial student federations: The Union Étudiante du Québec (UÉQ) and the Association pour la Voix Étudiante au Québec (AVÉQ). Council additionally took an early step toward establishing a[Read More…]
EUS Council decides against hosting International Engineering Competition
At its Jan. 25 meeting, the Engineering Undergraduate Society (EUS)council relinquished its bid to host the International Engineering Competition (IEC) and set dates for their upcoming election. In addition, they heard a presentation from the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Vice-President (VP) Finance, Zacheriah Houston, on the SSMU base[Read More…]