Campaigning for the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Winter term Special Referendum is now in full swing, with the polling period fast approaching. This semester, SSMU Council has put forward two questions for consideration: One concerns a $5.50 increase in the mandatory SSMU base fee while the other proposes[Read More…]
News, off and on campus.
Starvation in Canada: Food insecurity in the north
On Jan 22, the Comparative Healthcare Systems Program (CHSP), a student initiative dedicated to study of public health and comparative healthcare, hosted a public health symposium on the theme of indigenous health. Speakers addressed food security and healthcare services in northern Canada, noting the alarming situations in indigenous communities in[Read More…]
SSMU considering new provincial student federations, AVEQ and UÉQ
The Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) has been involved in the early formation of two new provincial student associations. A formal presentation by each of the organizations, L’Union Étudiante du Quebec (UÉQ) and the Association for the Voice of Education in Quebec (AVEQ), will be given at the Jan. 28[Read More…]
Senators discuss research misconduct, divestment
Faculty members and students will now face new procedures when accused of research misconduct. At its meeting on Jan. 13, the McGill Senate approved a new research misconduct policy, discussed the university’s climate change policy, and heard annual reports from members. Research misconduct policy revisions Senate passed a research misconduct[Read More…]
SSMU presents a new student lounge
Renovations of the Student Lounge on the first floor of the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Building are underway, with a proposed completion by mid-semester. The last time the student lounge had been renovated was in the summer of 2010. According to Vice-President (VP) Clubs and Services Kimber[Read More…]
SSMU executive mid-term reviews
Kareem Ibrahim—SSMU President Due to the resignation both the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) general manager (GM) and the Daycare director, President Kareem Ibrahim was forced to assume many of both positions’ responsibilities. In acting as a caretaker, he has performed impressively in ensuring that SSMU[Read More…]
PGSS explains Special Projects budget deficit
McGill’s graduate students will soon have an official policy outlining affiliation and disaffiliation procedures from student federations, as the result of a motion passed at the most recent Post Graduate Students’ Society (PGSS) Council meeting this past Wednesday. Council also discussed the cause of current budgetary imbalances. Academic initiatives Provost[Read More…]
SSMU to bring question of seventh executive, membership fee increases to special referendum
The Students’ Society of McGill (SSMU) Council voted to hold a special referendum at the end of the month in which students will be able to vote on a proposed base fee increase as well a the creation of a seventh SSMU executive position, the vice-president (VP) Operations. As discussed[Read More…]
SSMU appoints a new general manager
On Jan. 10 the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) announced that Ryan Hughes had been appointed the new general manager (GM). The announcement was released in a written statement from Vice-President (VP) Clubs and Services Kimber Bialik. The GM position had been vacant since August, when the previous manager[Read More…]
Semester in Review
SSMU VP Internal resignation In October 2015, the acting vice-president (VP) Internal of the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Lola Baraldi resigned, citing personal reasons. Following two elections for Baraldi’s replacement, Omar El-Sharaway took office as the new VP Internal on Jan. 1. In the wake of these events,[Read More…]