Questions regarding student services funding At the April 22 McGill Senate meeting, Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) President Courtney Ayukawa, Vice-President University Affairs Claire Stewart-Kanigan, Arts & Science Senator Chloe Rourke and Arts Senator Jacob Greenspon voiced concerns over the allocation of provincial government grants specified for student services[Read More…]
News, off and on campus.
SSMU executive reviews 2014-2015
President Courtney Ayukawa Ayukawa has faced significant challenges this year, and overall, she has handled them efficiently. Earlier this year, long-time SSMU General Manager Pauline Gervais resigned, taking with her 10 years of experience and knowledge. Ayukawa was also the respondent in two Judicial Board (J-Board) cases this[Read More…]
Year in Review: 2014-2015
Take a closer look at the events that transpired throughout the 2014-2015 school year at McGill.
Anti-austerity march draws estimated 75,000 protesters
Tens of thousands of participants marched in a protest against provincial austerity measures on April 2. The protest was organized by student federation Association pour une Solidarité Syndicale Étudiante (ASSÉ). According to the organizers, around 75,000 people participated in the march, which convened at Square Victoria at 1 p.m. and[Read More…]
Emily Boytinck elected SSMU VP External by 13 per cent margin
Emily Boytinck, U3 Science, was elected the Vice-President (VP) External of the Student’s Society of McGill University (SSMU) last Friday with 56.3 per cent of the vote. The opposing candidate, Joanna Schacter, U3 Arts, earned 43.7 per cent of the vote. 2185 students in total voted in the election, with[Read More…]
Student unions throughout Quebec strike to protest austerity measures
On March 23, 60,000 post-secondary students went on strike against the Quebec’s government budgetary policies. 20,000 students voted to hold a one-day strike, while the remaining 40,000 will be on strike until April 2, when another demonstration is expected. Although the students were associated under the Association pour une Solidarité[Read More…]
SSMU Council discusses austerity measures, sustainability coordinator position
Sustainability plebiscite question Sustainability Research Commissioner Julie Skarha solicited the opinions of Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Legislative Council on the creation of a Vice-President (VP) Sustainability position on the SSMU executive team. A plebiscite question in the 2015 Winter Referendum on whether to institute a VP Sustainability portfolio[Read More…]
Arts students vote in favour of Arts Internship Office fees
On March 23, the Arts Undergraduate Society of McGill (AUS) announced that students had voted to create a new, non-opt-outable five-year student fee to continue funding the Arts Internship Office (AIO). Seventy-seven point one (77.1) per cent of students voted in favour of the fee, which will charge Arts students $14[Read More…]
Burnside basement renovation turns to crowdfunding initiative
Students from the Faculties of Science and Arts & Science have launched a crowdfunding campaign to renovate the Burnside Basement. The initiative is hosted on McGill’s Seeds of Change fundraising platform, which was launched in May 2014. “[The project aims to] help a group of entrepreneurial students […] transform their[Read More…]
Quebec student federation FEUQ faces internal turmoil
Preliminary discussions of creating a new student federation are ongoing following disorder in one of the largest student federations in Quebec, the Fédération étudiante universitaire du Québec (FEUQ). The Fédération des associations étudiantes du campus de l’Université de Montréal (FAÉCUM), one of FEUQ’s largest member organizations, voted unanimously to leave[Read More…]