
News, off and on campus.

Policy proposes further integration of research methods into undergraduate coursework

Terry Hébert, professor of Pharmacology at McGill raised a question to the McGill Senate last Wednesday regarding the incorporation of research into undergraduate teaching. The question was posed to follow up on a discussion at the November 2014 Senate meeting about the logistical challenges of providing every undergraduate student with[Read More…]

Cities We Need conference highlights importance of municipal autonomy

The McGill Institute for the Study of Canada (MISC) opened its 20th annual two-day conference on Feb. 19, focusing on the challenges cities across Canada face.  Elected officials from cities across the country, scholars, and representatives of non-governmental organizations gathered to discuss topics including governance, culture, infrastructure, citizenship, and social[Read More…]

Senate discusses implementing recommendations of Mental Health Working Group

McGill’s mission statement and principles Senators raised concerns about the wording of McGill’s mission statement—specifically the linkage between  academic freedom and responsibility.  “In fulfilling its mission, McGill University embraces the principles of academic freedom and responsibility, integrity, accountability, equity, inclusiveness, and respect for cultural and individual diversity,” the proposed statement of[Read More…]

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