The Black Students’ Network (BSN) organized a vigil on Lower Field at McGill on Tuesday, Nov. 26, held in memory of Michael Brown, who was shot and killed by police officer Darren Wilson on Aug. 9 in Ferguson, Missouri. On Nov. 24, Robert McCulloch, prosecuting attorney for St. Louis County,[Read More…]
News, off and on campus.
Thousands march in Montreal and Quebec City against provincial austerity measures
Tens of thousands of protesters participated in a march against the Quebec government’s proposed austerity measures on Saturday, Nov. 29. According to the organizers of the protest, the Collectif Refusons l’Austerité, over 125,000 people participated in both Montreal and Quebec City. Protesters included representatives from student unions, employees of the[Read More…]
Carbon monoxide leak at ECOLE sustainable housing project spurs implementation of new safety measures
A student was hospitalized following a carbon monoxide leak detected Nov. 23 in the ECOLE sustainable housing project, which was launched earlier this semester. The ECOLE project house, located on 3559 University Street, is leased to ECOLE by McGill Student Housing and Hospitality Services (SHHS). Kareem Ibrahim, a member of[Read More…]
SSMU President, Speaker of Council respond to Fall GA J-Board case, deny charges
On Nov. 16, Courtney Ayukawa, president of the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) and Rachel Simmons, speaker of the legislative council of SSMU, released an official response to a recent Judicial Board (J-Board) petition filed by Zain Ali Syed and Nadir Khan over the practices of the Speaker at[Read More…]
PGSS Executive midterm reviews
Brighita Lungu Ge Sa Jennifer Murray Juan Pinto Nikki Meadows Julien Ouellet ( This week, the McGill Tribune conducted midterm reviews of the Post-Graduate Students’ Society (PGSS) executives. Click on the portraits to learn more. Members Affairs Officer, Brighita Lungu Lungu has been working on several projects, including the #ConsentMcGill[Read More…]
Fall 2014 SSMU Executive midterm reviews
Stefan Fong Kathleen Bradley Claire Stewart-Kanigan Courtney Ayukawa J. Daniel Chaim Amina Moustaqim-Barrette This week, the McGill Tribune conducted midterm reviews of the Students' Society of McGill University (SSMU) executives. Click on the portraits to learn more. VP Clubs and Services, Stefan[Read More…]
SEDE hosts workshop on gender identity and sexual orientation
Last Wednesday, the McGill Social Equity and Diversity Education Office (SEDE) organized a Safer Spaces workshop on gender identity and sexual orientation. The interactive event offered an introduction for participants graduate students, faculty, and staff members to address issues of marginalization in sexual diversity.
McGill to review expenditures in light of budget cuts
Senate addresses budget cuts McGill Principal Suzanne Fortier addressed various concerns regarding the impact of provincial budget cuts on the university’s budget and services at last Wednesday’s Senate meeting. The Quebec government announced in the middle of November that $4.8 million would be cut from McGill’s budget, in addition to[Read More…]
SSMU Council debates Ad-Hoc Student Engagement Committee, Redpath Library doors
Motion regarding the creation of an Ad-Hoc Student Engagement Committee Last Thursday, the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Legislative Council passed a motion regarding the creation of an Ad-hoc student engagement committee. Sponsored by Arts Councillor Alexander Kpeglo-Hennessy, SSMU President Courtney Ayukawa, and Arts Councillor Lola Baraldi, the motion aimed[Read More…]
Sexual assault charges withdrawn in case against three former Redmen football players
On Nov. 17, the Crown prosecutor in the sexual assault case against three former McGill University Redmen football players—Ian Sheriff, Brenden Carriere, and Guillaume Tremblay— withdrew its charges.