Last Wednesday, the Asia Pacific Law Association of McGill (APLAM), an association of McGill Law students with an interest in the legal systems and cultures of the Asia Pacific region, hosted an open panel discussion on the current democratic crisis in Hong Kong. Panelists at Wednesday’s event included speakers Yves[Read More…]
News, off and on campus.
PGSS succeeds in lobbying for lower international health care rates
All international students at McGill insured with Blue Cross, a Canadian health insurance provider, will now have lower health-care rates following three years of lobbying by the Post-Graduate Students’ Society (PGSS) of McGill to the university. Beginning in 2011, the PGSS lobbied the university to begin a competitive bidding process[Read More…]
Panellists discuss China’s environmental challenges
Last Friday, the Society of China Studies hosted a panel discussion to explore the issue of China’s environmental challenges. The panel consisted of assistant professor Juan Wang from the Department of Political Science; assistant professor Jill Baumgartner from the Department of Epidemiology; and visiting scholar Wenting Liang from the Department[Read More…]
J-Board petition filed against SSMU Council and Speaker of Council over GA motion
This is a developing story. Please check back for details, as more information becomes available. A petition against the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Council and the Speaker of the Council, who also presided over the Fall General Assembly, was submitted to the Judicial Board (J-Board), alleging that several[Read More…]
Elections SSMU volunteers resignation, petitioner drops Judicial Board case
Ben Fung has resigned as Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Chief Electoral Officer (CEO), following an agreement resolving the recent case that Alexei Simakov, U3 Arts, recently filed with the Judicial Board (J-Board) against the SSMU Executives, Elections SSMU, and the SSMU’s Board of Directors.
Student files Judicial Board petition against SSMU executives, Board of Directors, Elections SSMU
On Sept. 22, U3 Arts student Alexei Simakov filed a Judicial Board (J-Board) petition against the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Executives, Board of Directors, and Elections SSMU, claiming that SSMU had violated its bylaws and constitution by failing to appoint Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) Ben Fung through a[Read More…]
Media@McGill hosts Glenn Greenwald as Annual Beaverbrook lecturer
Glenn Greenwald, award-winning journalist and this year’s Beaverbrook lecturer, spoke to McGill students and members of the Montreal community this Thursday, commenting on the recent terrorist attacks in Ottawa and Quebec and his work with National Security Administration (NSA) whistleblower Edward Snowden. Greenwald began his lecture by addressing the attacks[Read More…]
Senate discusses safer campus, graduate student advising, and Senate composition
Principal Suzanne Fortier opened Wednesday’s Senate meeting with remarks on the Quebec government’s recent announcement of further budgetary cuts for the university sector. “With regard to McGill, we believe that it means a decrease of approximately 15 million [dollars] that we already know about,” Fortier said. “Earlier this month, [the[Read More…]
Completion of construction along McTavish to be delayed by a month
Construction along McTavish Street has been delayed by a month, and is now set to conclude by the end of November, according to a press release from the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Communications and IT Director Ryan Hughes. The release cites multiple technical and logistical reasons for the[Read More…]
Panel discusses building consent culture on campus
Students hosted a panel discussion on “Building a Culture of Consent on Campus” last Thursday as part of #ConsentMcGill, a week-long event organized and run by McGill students and administration. The panel responded to broad questions relating to the idea of a consent culture before opening up discussion with the[Read More…]