A sexual assault policy proposed by students was the focus of a workshop last Thursday. The workshop was part of Sexual Assault Centre of the McGill Students’ Society’s (SACOMSS) annual Sexual Assault Awareness Week. Publicized on March 21, the proposed policy was drafted by eight campus groups, including SACOMSS, the[Read More…]
News, off and on campus.
Working group aims to redefine shared space for pedestrians and cyclists on campus
Cycling regulations on campus could undergo substantial changes following the work of McGill’s Cycling Working Group, which is scheduled for release in April. The group was created in order to analyze issues regarding bicycles on campus, with the goal of devising a well-compromised accommodation for cyclists at the university. Its[Read More…]
Provincial election candidates debate university funding, Charter of Values
The proposed Charter of Values and international student policies were at the forefront of a provincial elections debate hosted by the Post-Graduate Students’ Society of McGill University (PGSS) on March 25. The debate featured representatives from the Parti Québécois (PQ), the Coalition Avenir Québec (CAQ), the Parti Libéral du Québec[Read More…]
Fortier talks McGill priorities with student media
Since she began her job last September, Principal Suzanne Fortier has spent almost seven months getting to know the people, places, and challenges of McGill as a university. Last Friday, the Principal met with student journalists from The Tribune, The McGill Daily, and le Délit to speak on the university’s[Read More…]
The provincial party guide
Quebec’s General Election is set to take place on April 7, as the province gears up to elect members to the National Assembly. This year’s election sees four major parties in contention: the incumbent Parti Québécois (PQ) led by Premier Pauline Marois, the Quebec Liberal Party under Phillipe Couillard, Coalition Avenir[Read More…]
Anonymous grading sparks debate at Senate
The possibility of anonymous exam grading gave rise to debate at Senate last Wednesday. Discussion stemmed from a report by the Academic Policy Committee, which concluded that there should be no university-wide policy on anonymous evaluations. Anonymous grading policies have been implemented at other universities worldwide and in McGill’s Faculty[Read More…]
PGSS member takes CFS to court over disassociation referendum
McGill graduate student Ge Sa has formally requested that the Quebec Superior Court order the Canadian Federation of Students (CFS) to allow the Post-Graduate Students’ Society of McGill University (PGSS) to vote on leaving the CFS. PGSS Councillor Sa appeared before the Court on March 18. The final decision on[Read More…]
Out-of-province students face difficulities in voter registration
An unclear definition of requirements to vote in the upcoming Quebec election has led some students to be refused the right to vote on April 7. According to the Quebec Election Act, a person has the right to vote if they are at least 18 years of age, are a[Read More…]
Hillary Clinton makes economic argument for gender equality
Former U.S. secretary of state, senator, and first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton spoke on issues ranging from female empowerment to the Ukraine crisis last Tuesday in front of a sold-out audience at Palais des Congrès. Clinton began her talk by addressing the importance of advocating for gender equality in Canada[Read More…]
Education conference spotlights student research on caring in the classroom
The relationship between theory and practice in education was at the forefront of a conference held by the Education Graduate Students’ Society (EGSS) on March 21 and 22. The EGSS’ 13th annual conference, called “Theory and Practice: A Symbiotic Relationship,” gave students and professors the opportunity to host events on[Read More…]