SSMU’s Equity Policy measures favourably against other universities, according to a report presented at the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Council meeting on Feb. 20. Equity researcher Chelsea Barnett presented on the SSMU equity research study. Structure, finance, and complaints were the factors observed in the study, which compared[Read More…]
News, off and on campus.
TaCEQ executive resigns citing “degrading situation“
The resignation of an executive from the Quebec Student Roundtable (TaCEQ) last Friday marks the continued disintegration of the student federation. Guillaume Fortin, vice-general secretary of communications and internal affairs, announced his departure from the organization, which currently represents the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) and two associations from[Read More…]
Indigenous studies minor approved for Fall 2014
Students will be able to enroll in a new Indigenous Studies minor in the Faculty of Arts starting in Fall 2014, following the program’s approval by Senate last Wednesday. The program, which has been the goal of ongoing initiatives by students and faculty for approximately 10 years, will be administered[Read More…]
Potential SSMU mental health policy will fund coordinator, create student resource website
A new mental health website and hiring a Mental Health Coordinator are top priorities for the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU), according to a new mental health policy to be approved at the Feb. 20 SSMU Council. Other goals of the policy are to be implemented in the next[Read More…]
AUS to launch laptop lending program in March
The Arts Undergraduate Society (AUS) will unveil a new laptop lending program this March. The new initiative comes in response to the termination of a similar program run by the university in the beginning of the academic year due to budget cuts. “Given that some funds had accumulated since Winter[Read More…]
PGSS Council approves four questions on fees for March referendum
Fees regarding graduate applications, the restructuring of Rutherford Park, the Midnight Kitchen, and the Health and Dental Plan will be voted on by graduate students during the upcoming Winter Referendum period for the Post-Graduate Students Society of McGill University (PGSS). The four referendum questions were approved in PGSS Council last[Read More…]
SEDE facing financial woes, unable to secure adequate funding
McGill’s Social Equity and Diversity Education (SEDE) office may experience reduced programming in the future due to provincial budget cuts announced last winter. “Like other departments and units on campus, we have been affected by a reduction in resources and staffing provoked by a number of factors,” SEDE Administrative Coordinator[Read More…]
Thomas Mulcair criticizes rising cost of education
New Democratic Party (NDP) Leader Thomas Mulcair tackled issues facing the younger generation and the country during an event hosted by NDP McGill on Feb. 14. Mulcair, who received his law degree from McGill in 1977, expressed enthusiasm for returning to his alma mater. “I’m thrilled to be back here[Read More…]
QPIRG workshop critiques mainstream concepts of self-care, forgiveness
The accessibility of mainstream methods of self-care was the topic of a workshop during last week’s Social Justice Days series. Hosted by the McGill-Quebec Public Interest Research Group (QPIRG) and the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU), the event was called “Self Care: Critical Perspectives on Oprah, Capitalism, and Happiness.”[Read More…]
Tensions run high over freedom of dress at SSMU GA
The Winter General Assembly (GA) of the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) featured extensive debate regarding freedom of dress within the SSMU Building. Held on Feb. 5, the event met quorum, with over 100 attendees throughout most of the night. Freedom of dress Developed by the engineering student group[Read More…]