
News, off and on campus.

Results of Sherbrooke referendum could lead SSMU to exit TaCEQ

Last week’s Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Council meeting focused on midterm reports, where members of the SSMU executive team detailed their progress in various projects within their respective portfolios. Upcoming TaCEQ referendum raises possibility of SSMU’s departure from association SSMU Vice-President External Samuel Harris spoke on the possibility[Read More…]

Graduates criticize Leacock restructuring project

Graduate students expressed concerns about the People, Processes, and Partnerships (PPP) plan to restructure the administrative organization of Leacock Building at the Dec. 4 Council meeting of the Post-Graduate Students’ Society of McGill University (PGSS). The project was introduced in Fall 2012, but has seen various revisions over the past[Read More…]

Board of Governors condemns Charter of Values

Members of McGill’s Board of Governors (BoG) voted unanimously to condemn the Parti Québécois’s proposed Charter of Values last Thursday. The bill, which aims to restrict public sector employees from wearing visible religious symbols, was tabled by Quebec’s National Assembly on Nov. 7 with modifications that would no longer allow[Read More…]

Political clubs debate Canada’s place in the world

Representatives from the student-run Conservative McGill, Liberal McGill, and New Democratic Party (NDP) McGill faced off in a political campaign-style debate on Canadian trade, security, and immigration hosted by the McGill Debating Union on Nov. 19. Titled “Canada’s Place in the World,” the debate featured six students—two representatives from each[Read More…]

SSMU condemns administration’s lack of response to sexual assault case, calls for university-funded sexual assault centre, consent workshops

The Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU)’s Legislative Council will lobby McGill to improve the resources available for sexual assault victims, following a vote at the Nov. 21 Council meeting. The call for action comes after students and student organizations have expressed concern about the McGill administration’s treatment of a[Read More…]

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