
News, off and on campus.

EUS president announces resignation

Engineering Undergraduate Society (EUS) President Zachary Moreland announced his resignation on Oct. 7. EUS Vice-President Internal Eric Kueper is currently serving as interim president until a Special Selection Committee appoints the next president on Nov. 4. Moreland has held the position since May of 2013. In a letter to members[Read More…]

What happened last week in Canada?

Alice Munro wins Nobel Prize in Literature Author Alice Munro, age 82, was awarded the 2013 Nobel Prize in Literature last Thursday, making her the first Canadian-based author as well as the first Canadian woman to win a Nobel prize in any category. Munro is an Ontario-based author renowned for[Read More…]

PGSS Council discusses supervision, upcoming referendum

Review of supervision Post-Graduate Students’ Society (PGSS) Secretary-General Jonathan Mooney announced two major projects that PGSS is currently working on. The first is the improvement of the quality of supervision for students in all departments by clarifying students’ and supervisors’ rights and responsibilities. The second project focuses on ensuring that[Read More…]

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