On Oct. 9, the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) hosted its Fall 2013 General Assembly (GA). With approximately 50 students in attendance, the GA failed to meet its quorum of 100 SSMU members, and was therefore only able to pass the two motions that were under consideration as recommendations[Read More…]
News, off and on campus.
EUS president announces resignation
Engineering Undergraduate Society (EUS) President Zachary Moreland announced his resignation on Oct. 7. EUS Vice-President Internal Eric Kueper is currently serving as interim president until a Special Selection Committee appoints the next president on Nov. 4. Moreland has held the position since May of 2013. In a letter to members[Read More…]
What happened last week in Canada?
Alice Munro wins Nobel Prize in Literature Author Alice Munro, age 82, was awarded the 2013 Nobel Prize in Literature last Thursday, making her the first Canadian-based author as well as the first Canadian woman to win a Nobel prize in any category. Munro is an Ontario-based author renowned for[Read More…]
Asbestos conference examines ethical research at McGill
A conference designed to address past criticisms of research on asbestos at McGill and to discuss the role of privately funded research at universities was hosted by the Faculty of Medicine on Oct. 1 at McGill. The conference, titled “Asbestos: Dialogue for the Future,” was organized following a controversy in[Read More…]
PGSS Council discusses supervision, upcoming referendum
Review of supervision Post-Graduate Students’ Society (PGSS) Secretary-General Jonathan Mooney announced two major projects that PGSS is currently working on. The first is the improvement of the quality of supervision for students in all departments by clarifying students’ and supervisors’ rights and responsibilities. The second project focuses on ensuring that[Read More…]
Walrus Magazine brings discussion on energy to McGill
Last Tuesday, McGill hosted “The Walrus Talks Energy,” an event intended to raise awareness about energy use and sustainable practices in Canada. The event was sponsored by Suncor, Canada’s largest energy producer and provider, and organized by The Walrus Magazine. It featured eight speakers of varying backgrounds and professions. The[Read More…]
McGill community addresses gentrification in QI project
The potential gentrification of a Montreal neighbourhood as a result of the Quartier de L’Innovation (QI) development project was the topic of a discussion group held by McGill’s Social Equity and Diversity Education (SEDE) Office last Friday. The event was part of SEDE’s second annual Community Engagement Day (CED)—a day[Read More…]
First student-run mental health conference confronts stigma
McGill’s first student-run conference on mental health took place last Saturday and featured guest speakers, discussions, and workshops aimed at addressing the impact and stigma of mental health, as well as discussing possible solutions to these problems at McGill. Named “Students in Mind 2013,” the day-long event was attended to[Read More…]
Harvard professor talks role of food in shaping culture
On Oct. 3, Harvard professor and historian of science Stephen Shapin gave a lecture titled “You Are What U Eat” as part of a Mossman Lecture Series hosted by McGill. Over 200 academics, professors, and students gathered at Tanna Schulich Hall to hear Shapin speak on the role of food[Read More…]
Asbestos conference participants question role of corporate funding in research
On Oct. 1, the Faculty of Medicine hosted Asbestos: Dialogue for the Future, a conference designed to address past criticisms of research on asbestos at McGill and to discuss the role of privately funded research at universities. The conference was organized following a controversy in February 2012, when a CBC[Read More…]