
News, off and on campus.

Fortier begins term as principal

On Sept. 5, Dr. Suzanne Fortier began her five-year term as McGill’s principal and vice chancellor, succeeding Principal Heather Munroe-Blum, whose term ended on June 30. Fortier is the 17th person—and the second woman— to fill the position.

New Deputy Provost outlines his objectives for five-year term

On Sept. 1, Ollivier Dyens officially began his five-year term as McGill’s second Deputy Provost (Student Life and Learning) (DP (SLL)). Created in 2005, the DP (SLL) position aims to improve student life at McGill and to act as a liaison between the senior administration and students. Last week, the Tribune sat down with Dyens to discuss his goals for the year and his approach to the portfolio.

What Happened Last Week in Canada?

Saint Mary’s University faces outrage over frosh chants Controversy arose at Saint Mary’s University in Halifax this past weekend after a video emerged featuring student leaders singing a frosh week chant about non-consensual and under-aged sex. Although the video was removed from Instagram where it was originally posted, it has[Read More…]

Quartier de l’Innovation projects aim to engage students

Plans for the Quartier de l’Innovation (QI) continue to progress since its official launch last May. A collaborative initiative of the Griffintown neighborhood, the project is designed to involve McGill and École de technologie supérieure (ETS), NGOs, and corporations, in a centre that drives research and innovation.

Hearings continue on McGill’s ability to deny ATI requests

Last Thursday, the first hearings took place regarding a motion in which McGill requests the ability to deny past and future Access to Information (ATI) requests. Filed last December, the motion seeks to deny ATI requests submitted by a total of 14 present and former McGill students, as well as the power to deny all future ATI requests that are similar in nature to those of the respondents.

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