Over the course of last week, top administrators in the Faculty of Arts began to address concerns from students, faculty, and support staff about the Faculty’s “People, Processes & Partnerships” project. This new plan proposes changes to departmental space configurations in the Leacock building. Currently, a project team of 75[Read More…]
News, off and on campus.
Campus cafeterias now serving sustainable seafood options
McGill Food and Dining Services (MFDS) recently received a Chain of Custody Certification by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC). MSC, an independent, non-profit organization, helps to promote an increasingly sustainable seafood market by recognizing and presenting awards to sustainable fishing practices, and certifying fresh wild-caught seafood. The Chain of Custody[Read More…]
Senate adopts Statement of Values for protests on campus
Statement of Values and Operating Procedures adopted McGill Senate passed a motion to adopt the “Statement of Values and Principles Concerning Freedom of Expression and Freedom of Peaceful Assembly” with an overwhelming majority on Mar. 20. The Statement of Values was created by the McGill administration in response to a[Read More…]
Highlights from the Mar. 20 PGSS Annual General Meeting
The Post Graduate Students’ Society (PGSS) hosted its Annual General Meeting (AGM) in the Thompson House Ballroom last Wednesday evening with students, McGill staff, and PGSS members in attendance. Six motions were passed before the meeting lost quorum. PGSS Council Before the AGM began, PGSS held a Council meeting[Read More…]
What happened last week in Canada
Montreal police crack down on one-year anniversary protest;
Cree group to finish 1,600 km trek in support of Idle No More movement in Ottawa;
TVO pulls online game that shows pipeline bombing;
Manitobans suffering from flood damages sue Province;
One-man Hunger Strike begins in Vancouver
Larson wins SSMU presidency with 60% of the vote
On Friday night, Elections SSMU released the Winter 2013 elections and referendum results to a crowd assembled at Gerts Bar. Katie Larson, Joey Shea, Brian Farnan, Samuel Harris, Tyler Hofmeister, and Stefan Fong will comprise the 2013-2014 Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) executive team. Larson was elected SSMU President[Read More…]
Arts forum addresses TA concerns about budget cuts
Students, union members, and administrators came together to discuss the Quebec government’s announced budget cuts at a student-led Faculty of Arts forum last Thursday. Topics covered during the forum included teaching assistants’ (TA) concerns with regards to the budget cuts, and the removal of 101 arts courses for the 2013-2014[Read More…]
Industrial relations program to be redesigned, “modernized”
McGill’s industrial relations program, which was in danger of being terminated earlier this semester, will face re-structuring that will allow the program to continue to exist within the Faculty of Arts. The industrial relations program is an interdisciplinary program that allows students to study labour-management relations. The program includes courses[Read More…]
Exclusive interview with: Liberal leadership candidate Joyce Murray
Joyce Murray has been considered a “dark horse” in the Liberal Party of Canada leadership race since the start of the campaign period on Nov. 14, 2012. She recently received a celebrity boost as a result of endorsements from Canadian environmentalist David Suzuki, and several advocacy groups, such as Avaaz and Leadnow.ca.
One week before the final leadership debate, the Tribune spoke to Murray, a former Cabinet minister in the B.C. government, about her vision of a sustainable society, electoral cooperation, and what young Canadians want from their political representatives today.
Concordia’s full-time faculty union ready to strike
In the midst of difficult and on-going negotiations with the administration, the Concordia University Faculty Association (CUFA)—the union that represents all full-time faculty members at Concordia, including professors and librarians—voted 74 per cent in favour of a strike mandate on Mar. 9. The mandate allows CUFA to go on strike[Read More…]