
News, off and on campus.

BoG discusses need for communication on budget cuts

Last Tuesday’s Board of Governors (BoG) meeting included updates on the provincial government’s $19.1 million budget cuts. The Board also discussed the damages from the flooding of the downtown campus that occurred Jan. 28, and the administration’s intention to replace the provisional protocol on protests with two documents: a Statement[Read More…]

What happened in Canada this week?

COURT RULES PORTER MUST PAY MCGILL BACK Last Wednesday, The Montreal Gazette reported that the Quebec Superior Court has ordered former Chief Executive Officer of the McGill University Health Centre (MUHC) Arthur Porter to pay over $252,000 back to McGill. The sum represents a loan Porter did not pay back in full[Read More…]

Simon Poitrimolt / McGill Tribune

AUS General Assembly fails to reach quorum of 150

Reform to how nominees may run for the position of the AUS Vice-President Finance, the fate of McGill’s Industrial Relations program, and students’ ability to decide whether McGill recognizes their advanced standing credits were among the topics discussed at Monday’s General Assembly (GA) of the Arts Undergraduate Society (AUS).  [Read More…]

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