Motion regarding creation of the SSMU Equity Fund referendum question The beginning of Thursday evening’s Council meeting involved discussion on how the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) addresses equity. SSMU Equity Commissioners Justin Koh and Shaina Agbayani reported on the work of the Student Equity Committee this past academic year,[Read More…]
News, off and on campus.
McGill begins to plan for $19.1 million budget cuts
On Feb. 11, Provost Anthony Masi hosted three Town Hall meetings to provide the McGill community with information about the university’s current financial situation, and to receive feedback about how to deal with cuts of $19.1 million to McGill’s 2012-2013 operating budget. The Quebec government announced these cuts last December,[Read More…]
Arts OASIS advising consultation sessions marked by low attendance
Last week, the Arts Office of Advising and Student Information Services (Arts OASIS) held a series of consultation sessions regarding upcoming changes to advising in the Faculty of Arts. Sessions were held for students in separate years, as well as specific student groups, such as international students. However, consultation sessions failed[Read More…]
What happened last week in Canada?
Canadian penny retires The Royal Canadian Mint officially stopped distributing the penny on Feb. 4, almost a year after Minister of Finance Jim Flaherty announced the penny’s discontinuation in the federal budget of March 2012. According to CBC News, one penny cost the government 1.6 cents to produce, and a[Read More…]
Students share ideas for newly open space in SSMU building
Last Friday, the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) held a strategic summit on student space to assess students’ priorities for the SSMU Building. The summit kicked off SSMU’s month-long campaign to determine how the building’s space will be used after Voyages Campus’s sublease ends in May. Possibilities presented at[Read More…]
McGill releases new documents on how to deal with protests
McGill released the latest set of documents regarding protests and demonstrations on campus on Monday. Originally a draft protocol on demonstrations, these documents consist of a Statement of Values and Principles on freedom of expression and freedom of assembly, and a set of Operating Procedures regarding demonstrations, protests, and occupations[Read More…]
McGill still recovering from flood
The cleanup of McGill’s downtown campus continues this week after severe flooding occurred on Jan. 28. Several buildings remain inaccessible to students and staff, and several hundred people have been relocated until building repairs are completed. The flood occurred when a 48- inch water main at the McTavish Reservoir broke,[Read More…]
Students vote to keep The McGill Daily and Le Délit alive
The Daily Publications Society (DPS) will continue to collect student fees for the next five years, after 18.8 per cent of graduates and undergraduates voted in favour of renewing the DPS’s Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) with McGill University. The referendum passed with 76.17 per cent of voters in favour of[Read More…]
Petitions call for divestment from fossil fuels, Plan Nord
On Friday afternoon, Divest McGill delivered two petitions to the university’s Secretary-General, Stephen Strople, calling for McGill to divest from the Plan Nord, the oil sands, and fossil fuel industries. According to administrative practice, the petitions will be passed on to the Committee to Advise on Matters of Social Responsibility[Read More…]
Meet members of the McGill community recently elected to the BoG
Edith Zorychta Edith Zorychta was elected in November as a Senate Representative to the Board of Governors (BoG). Zorychta is an associate professor in the Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, and currently sits on the McGill Senate. She decided to run for the position following her colleagues’ encouragement at McGill,[Read More…]