In the Nov. 6 American presidential election, Democrat incumbent Barack Obama secured a narrow win over Republican nominee and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney. Although Obama gained a 332-206 lead in electoral college votes, his share of the popular vote—just over 50 per cent—was notably lower than the 52.7 per[Read More…]
News, off and on campus.
What happened last week in Canada?
Gerald Tremblay resigns as Montreal mayor Montreal Mayor Gerald Tremblay resigned on Nov. 5, following allegations of corruption made at the Charbonneau Commission. Tremblay stepped down, despite repeatedly denying the allegations made against him. Quebec Premier Pauline Marois pressured Tremblay to resign as a result of accusations that the former[Read More…]
First Year Councils
Freshman Events and Representative Committee (FEARC) The Freshman Events and Representative Committee (FEARC) aims to promote the welfare and interests of first-year students in the faculties of arts and arts and sciences. According to FEARC Co-President Marta Canneri, FEARC also provides “activities and services to enhance the educational, cultural, environmental, and[Read More…]
M-SERT, CKUT fee increases pass in SSMU Fall referendum
Last Sunday, Elections SSMU released the results of the 2012 Fall Referendum period for the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU). Students voted in favour of fee increases for both CKUT Radio and the McGill Student Emergency Response Team (M-SERT). CKUT With 57.3 per cent of students voting in favour[Read More…]
PGSS discusses education summit
Last Wednesday, the Council of the Post-Graduate Students’ Society of McGill University (PGSS) approved plans for a two-day series of panels and discussions as part of the McGill education summit this December. Other topics of discussion included the rights of graduate students as members of the Legal Information Clinic at[Read More…]
Concordia part-time faculty association votes for unlimited strike mandate
The Concordia University Part-Time Faculty Association (CUPFA) voted for an unlimited strike mandate at a special General Assembly held Nov. 4. The vote follows unsuccessful negotiations with Concordia’s administration over a new collective agreement. CUPFA’s former collective agreement with Concordia expired at the end of August. Since then, CUPFA representatives[Read More…]
Students, politicians revisit cyberbullying as urgent issue
The past month witnessed a renewed national dialogue on the topic of cyberbullying between youth, educators, and politicians across Canada. This new debate arose following the death of British Columbia teenager Amanda Todd, who took her own life after suffering through two years of cyberbullying and online blackmailing, as well[Read More…]
Summit on innovative districts takes close look at Griffintown
On Oct. 30, the second Montreal Summit on Innovation, provided an opportunity for McGill and the École de Technologie Supérieure (ÉTS) to present the Quartier de l’Innovation (QI) project to experts on innovative districts. The QI is a joint venture between McGill and ÉTS, an engineering school in Montreal that[Read More…]
SSMU Council endorses one of two fall referendum questions
Last Thursday, SSMU Legislative Council passed a motion to endorse a referendum question that would increase the fee levy for the McGill Student Emergency Response Team (M-SERT), but did not endorse a question on Radio CKUT’s fee increase. Councillors also discussed the four nonbinding motions passed by the Oct. 15[Read More…]
Costopoulos announced as new Dean of Students
Last Thursday, Provost Anthony Masi announced the appointment of Andre Costopoulos to the position of Dean of Students. Costopoulos’ term will begin Nov. 15, and end June 30, 2016. Costopoulos will take over for Associate Dean of Students Linda Starkey, who had been serving as the temporary Dean of Students[Read More…]