Justin Trudeau to run for leadership of Liberal Party Last Wednesday, reports surfaced that Justin Trudeau is to announce his bid for the leadership of the Liberal Party of Canada at a press conference today. The son of former Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau, Justin Trudeau has held a seat[Read More…]
News, off and on campus.
Arts Internship event highlights students’ work abroad
Last Thursday, the faculty of arts hosted its ninth Annual Internship Event with presentations by nine McGill students—all of whom dedicated their time gaining and applying their skills in various unconventional settings this past summer. Held in Leacock 232, the event was attended by students, staff, and internship award donors.[Read More…]
McTavish Reservoir will be renovated
Beginning Oct. 9, the McTavish Reservoir on Rutherford Park behind McGill University will undergo major renovations, including an overhaul of the surrounding tank and water mains. The repairs, which will cost $16.4 million, are scheduled for the period of 2013-2014 ,and will be conducted by the City of Montreal. The[Read More…]
Innushkueu women speak out against Plan Nord at Concordia
Tears and laughter found their space in a discussion titled “Defending the Land: Indigenous Women’s resistance to Plan Nord and community violence.” The event, held last Friday, was hosted by Concordia University’s Centre for Gender Advocacy’s Missing Justice campaign. Plan Nord is the provincial government’s plan to develop northern regions[Read More…]
STM unveils new metro cars to be installed in 2014
On Sept. 21 and 22, the Societé de Transport de Montreal (STM) displayed a full-sized model of Montreal’s upcoming metro trains, named “Azur,” on McGill College Ave. The exhibit was part of “Go Green,” which was held to promote public transportation as well as preview World Car-Free Day, an event[Read More…]
Montrealers take to the streets for free education
On Saturday, students from several Montreal universities and CEGEPs participated in a demonstration for free education organized by the Coalition Large de l’Association pour un Solidarité Syndicale Étudiante (CLASSE). The Service de Police de la Ville de Montréal (SPVM) declared the demonstration illegal, and riot police in the downtown area[Read More…]
Former MUHC director of human resources under investigation for fraud
Stella Lopreste, the former director of human resources for the McGill University Health Centre (MUHC) super-hospital project, is under investigation by the Unité permanente anti-corruption Québec (UPAC) for allegedly defrauding the facility of $1.6 million. Last Tuesday morning, UPAC searched the downtown office of the MUHC for information on the[Read More…]
11th annual Pow Wow opens Aboriginal Awareness Week
On Sept. 21, McGill’s First People’s House held their 11th annual Pow Wow on Lower Field. With traditional singing and dances, this year’s Pow Wow included a variety of cultural activities to engage students and raise awareness about Aboriginal cultures. Catching the attention of many passing students, the Pow Wow[Read More…]
Senate meeting addresses effect of tuition freeze on students
Last Thursday, McGill Senate convened for the first time this academic year. The meeting included discussion of the Parti Québécois’ (PQ) education platform and its impact on McGill, improvements to the academic advising system, and the annual report on McGill’s policy on harassment, sexual harassment, and discrimination. Principal Heather Munroe-Blum[Read More…]
SSMU hosts session on future of Quebec student movement
On Sept. 18, students gathered in the Student Society of McGill University’s (SSMU) Clubs Lounge for an informal discussion about the recent student strikes in Quebec. The discussion was led by Jérémie Bédard-Wien, finance secretary of the Coalition large de l’Association pour une solidarité syndicale étudiante (CLASSE). CLASSE is one[Read More…]