
News, off and on campus.

McGill Tribune / Alexandra Allaire & Simon Poitrimolt

Josh Redel: President

What have you accomplished this summer? We have finally [finalized] the tenants we have in the second floor cafeteria. We also finished Gerts! The half-million dollar renovations are finally completed. We’re really happy that we could negotiate a new beer contract, and the food at Gerts was also something we[Read More…]

SSMU Report Cards

Maggie Knight (President): A Maggie Knight was dealt a very difficult hand this year as SSMU president. While this may have distracted her from some of her goals, the Tribune has no hesitation in saying she has done an exceptional job as president. The Strategic Summits, while allowing a safe space for discussion, were sparsely[Read More…]

QPIRG, online GA ratification questions on ref. ballot

Polling for SSMU’s exceptional referendum period opened  on Tuesday, April 10.  The voting period features two referendum questions—one regarding the existence of the Quebec Public Interest Research Group (QPIRG), and the other concerning the online ratification of motions passed by the SSMU General Assembly (GA). Created following a two-thirds majority[Read More…]

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