Momentum is building to move the Hochelaga Rock to a more prominent location on campus. A symbol of Iroquoian and Canadian history, the rock currently sits on lower field in between the Roddick Gates and the Welcome Centre. The Hochelaga Rock was installed in the 1950s by Parks Canada to[Read More…]
News, off and on campus.
Dean Manfredi hosts final meeting of Open Forum
On Wednesday, April 4, the McGill administration hosted the last of four public meetings of dean of arts Christopher Manfredi’s Open Forum on Freedom of Expression and Peaceful Assembly. The meeting focused on the administration’s actions in response to the events of Nov. 10. It was held in the Bellini[Read More…]
2011-2012 Year in Review
MUNACA On the first day of classes, McGill students arrived on campus to the sound of picketing. MUNACA, the union representing roughly 1,700 of McGill’s non-academic staff, went on strike starting Sept. 1 after months of strained negotiations between the union and the university finally broke down. A better wage[Read More…]
As exam period nears, students still on strike
Michael Paolucci / McGill Tribune Michael Paolucci / McGill Tribune On Monday, April 2 the McGill Social Work Student Association (SWSA) voted in favour of renewing their unlimited strike against the Quebec government’s proposed tuition fee increases, with 49 for, 30 against, and 2 abstentions. As of today, SWSA has[Read More…]
Government won’t back down on fee increases
Last Thursday, April 5, Quebec Education Minister Line Beauchamp proposed a new student loans plan, in response to the student movement that has been opposing planned provincial tuition fee increases of $1,625 over five years. Beauchamp said that the government will not back down from the plan to increase tuition[Read More…]
Heather Munroe-Blum shared her plans for next year
On March 27, Principal Heather Munroe-Blum spoke to the McGill Tribune, the McGill Daily and Le Délit about this year’s events and what to look forward to in 2012. McGill Tribune: Next year will be your last year McGill’s principal. What are your goals for your last term, and what[Read More…]
QPIRG, online GA ratification questions on ref. ballot
Michael Paolucci / McGill Tribune Polling for SSMU’s exceptional referendum period opened on Tuesday, April 10. The voting period features two referendum questions-one regarding the existence of the Quebec Public Interest Research Group (QPIRG), and the other concerning the online ratification of motions passed by the SSMU General Assembly (GA).[Read More…]
Students mobilize in four-pronged protest
Last Thursday, March 29, a four-pronged student demonstration wound its way through downtown Montreal in a festively themed demonstration that aimed to disrupt the economic activity of the downtown area and highlight several political grievances of the students. The protest, called Manifestation la Grande Mascarade, was organized by la Fédération Universitaire et Collégiale des Étudiant-esRévolté-es (FUC*ER),[Read More…]
Motion to censure SSMU VP External fails by vote of 11-11-1
A motion to censure SSMU VP External JoëlPedneault failed at SSMU Council’s meeting last Thursday, March 29, with a narrow vote of 11 for, 11 against, and one abstention. The motion, submitted to the floor by nine movers, cited several reasons to censure Pedneault, including his use of SSMU funds to print materials promoting a student strike, his decision[Read More…]
Special SSMU GA cancelled due to lack of strike motion
A Special SSMU General Assembly (GA) scheduled for this past Wednesday, March 28, wascancelled after the undersigned councillorswithdrew their petition. The assembly was called with the knowledge that there might be a motion for a strike vote, but at the time of its cancellationno such motion had been submitted, a contributing factor to the decision[Read More…]