News, off and on campus.
Inna Tarabukhina
Salar Nasehi
SSMU hosts second annual Forum on Undergraduate Education
Last Tuesday, SSMU hosted its second annual Forum on Undergraduate Education . The forum allowed students to propose and discuss ideas about the role of undergraduate students at McGill. “This is the second year that we’ve had the event,” Emily Yee Clare, SSMU VP University Affairs, said. “It was started[Read More…]
Robin Reid-Fraser
Samuel Sigere
The Tribune’s SSMU Coverage
Raphael Uribe Arango
Ecologist speaks about need to conserve canopies
On Thursday, March 8, the McGill school of environment hosted a lecture by Dr. Nalini Nadkarni, a renowned forest ecologist and professor at the Evergreen State College in Washington. The event, which took place in New Residence Hall, was preceded by a round table with Nadkarni and students from the[Read More…]