
News, off and on campus.

Student demonstration disrupts Public Services Job Fair

  Last Thursday afternoon, a crowd of approximately 100 demonstrators protesting against Quebec’s proposed tuition hikes entered the McGill campus. The demonstration, organized by an autonomous committee of students from four different campuses—Cégep du Vieux-Montréal, l’Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM), Concordia University, and McGill University—began walking at 11:00 a.m.[Read More…]

SSMU GA loses quorum after passing two motions

Sam Reynolds / McGill Tribune SSMU’s Winter General Assembly struggled to maintain quorum on Feb. 1, barely reaching the 100 undergraduates needed to render votes binding. Two motions were voted on as a binding assembly, while the remaining were voted on as a consultative body. A motion from the floor[Read More…]

Students skeptical of new Alertus System

On Jan. 30, the McGill administration and Emergency Measures Office sent an email notifying all students of their new emergency announcement system, Alertus. Citing the Jutras Report and its recommendation to enhance administration-to student-body communication, Alertus provides the administration with an additional tool if events such as Nov. 10 were[Read More…]

Judicial Board reinstated despite legal concerns

Sam Reynolds / McGill Tribune Last Thursday, the SSMU Board of Directors (BoD) voted to immediately reinstate the Judicial Board (J-Board) in order to conclude the J-Board’s upcoming hearing as soon as possible. SSMU will also draft a student referendum question that will bring the J-Board into compliance with Quebec[Read More…]

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