ipolitics.ca On September 12, NDP President Brian Topp launched his campaign for leadership of the New Democratic Party of Canada. Topp’s announcement kick-started the leadership race to select a Leader of the Opposition, who will be elected at a leadership convention in March 2012. Topp graduated with a BA from[Read More…]
News, off and on campus.
Mob squad, MFLAG mobilize at union rally
Students and faculty members grabbed placards and joined MUNACA at the intersection of McGill College and Sherbrooke on Friday morning in what was the largest and loudest rally to date. The protesters, who occupied half a block of McGill College, chanted and cheered while speakers addressed the crowd from a[Read More…]
Powwow promotes cultural understanding
Ryan Reisert A lively combination of drumming, dancing, and booths adorned with native art drew a large crowd to Lower Field on Friday. “I was just coming from my bio lab, and I heard all of the music, so I came by to check it out,” said Kevin Dick, a[Read More…]
Interview with MP Matthew Dubé
politwitter.ca The McGill Tribune sat down with Matthew Dubé, who found himself thrown into Ottawa’s political arena after his surprise victory in last May’s election, to discuss Jack Layton’s legacy and the future of the NDP. A former McGill student, he spent the summer between his constituency and Ottawa, preparing[Read More…]
French to become a minority language in Montreal
A report published earlier this month by the Office Québécois de la Langue Française (OFQL) stated that in 20 years, French will be a minority language on the Island of Montreal. According to the report, only 47.4 per cent of those living in Montreal will speak French at home by[Read More…]
Canadian senator and nuclear activist visits McGill
theworldmarch.org The annihilation of the human race by nuclear war is probably not something that has been on the average student’s mind since the end of the Cold War. But according to Douglas Roche, it should be. Roche, a former MP, Senator, Canadian Diplomat, and anti-nuclear weapons activist, recently[Read More…]
Gert’s event conflicts with SSMU Equity Policy
An event at Gert’s was suspended last week when it came under scrutiny for featuring female bar-top dancers. Concerns that the women were being sexually objectified almost resulted in the event’s cancellation. Instead, the event has been postponed and will include male dancers as well. SSMU hosts many major annual[Read More…]
AUS threatens EdUS with lawsuit
The Arts Undergraduate Society (AUS) has threatened to sue the Education Undergraduate Society (EdUS) following a dispute over the terms of EdUS participation in Arts Frosh. In the past, students from the faculty of Education have typically participated in Arts Frosh activities and EdUS paid a nominal fee of $2,000[Read More…]
Montreal hosts 2nd Global Conference on Religion; Dalai Lama in attendance
Sam Reynolds McGill hosted the Second Global Conference On World’s Religions After September 11 in the week leading up to the 10th anniversary of Sept. 11. His Holiness the Dalai Lama spoke in the morning and was followed by yoga and spirituality guru Deepak Chopra. The afternoon’s panel discussion featured[Read More…]
MUNACA strike, week two
Sam Reynolds The MUNACA strike has entered its second week with newly restarted negotiations remaining at a standstill, despite Quebec’s appointment of a conciliator. Meanwhile, SSMU has steadily supported MUNACA. On Friday afternoon, McGill announced that a conciliator was appointed to bring the McGill’s administration and the striking workers together.[Read More…]