Jason Samson Earlier this month, McGill PhD candidate Jason Samson and a number of other researchers released the world’s first map of human vulnerability to climate change. Samson, who studies climate change ecology, originally conceived of the idea while studying species adaptation to climate change. With his team, he[Read More…]
News, off and on campus.
Profs say students seldom take advantage of office hours
Logan Smith Psychology professor Donald Taylor does his best to make students feel comfortable in his office. “I tell my students that if they want to come and see me, we don’t have to talk about a chapter in the book, but they have to say something nice about my[Read More…]
SSMU Election Results
Anna Katycheva Anna Katycheva Students’ Society Councillor Maggie Knight was elected SSMU president Friday night, beating opponent Cathal Rooney-Céspedes with 67.2 per cent of the 4,172 votes cast. Chief Electoral Officer Tais McNeil made the announcement in a two-thirds full Gert’s, which erupted in celebration at the announcement. A number[Read More…]
Stefan Prokopetz – VP Finance & Operations
What experience do you think you bring into this position? I'm currently doing work for the assistant director of finance here at McGill, I'm doing research on IPOs. So people definitely trust my financial expertise, I understand financial statements, I did budgeting this summer for work. I did a lot[Read More…]
Emily Clare – VP University Affairs
With regards to the administration people have adversarial relationships towards it or cooperative relations, where do you think your approach falls? I think we have to be ourselves as student representatives but also a resource to the university to get information into what students want. So it’s important to work[Read More…]
Natalie Talmi – VP Internal
As you know, there are going be some major changes happening to Frosh next year. How do you feel about these changes, how do you feel that they’ve been handled by Tom Fabian, the current VP Internal? If they’re done correctly, which I feel I could do, then they could[Read More…]
Kady Paterson – VP Internal
The VP internal gets criticized a lot for just being a party planner, would you agree with that assessment or do you see a bigger role and if so what else? Well, I definitely agree with the criticism of it being too often a party planner, because I think that[Read More…]
Todd Plummer – VP Internal
How do you feel about the changes to Frosh? I believe it’s too soon to take a stand on how we feel about Frosh, but I am totally in favour of how this year we are working more closely with the administration. I’m working hard to keep the parts of[Read More…]
Monika Fabian – VP Clubs & Services
Why is it important that the VP clubs and services be an elected position and not something like the interest group coordinator, who is an appointed administrator? When you’re hired as IGC you kind of already have an idea of what you’re supposed to be doing and you fulfill a[Read More…]
Carol Fraser – VP Clubs & Services
What do you think the VP clubs and services relationship should be towards independent student groups that aren’t clubs or services, such as QPIRG? The way I see it is that campus is a place for intellectual growth and intellectual discussion and groups like QPIRG or campus publications. Even though[Read More…]