In the last couple of years, overcrowding has become a major problem in Montreal CEGEPs. Simply put, there are more students who have the proper academic credentials than there are spots available. On January 20, the Gazette reported that the Quebec government is going to wait until after the March[Read More…]
News, off and on campus.
University of Alberta student wears jeans 330 times over 15 months-without washing them
One of the biggest trends in men’s fashion is “raw” or “dry” denim. These are jeans made of material that isn’t pre-washed after the dying process. Because of this, they fade uniquely to the wearer and, according to some, shouldn’t be washed nearly as much as pre-washed denim. At first[Read More…]
Councillors send General Assembly question to committee
On Thursday, the Students’ Society Council voted in favour of a motion to refer the question of General Assembly reform to an ad hoc committee. The motion came after weeks of debate and concerns over the validity and merit of the original motion, authored by SSMU President Zach Newburgh. The[Read More…]
McGill prepares to replace WebCT
Many McGill students have their fair share of issues with WebCT, but it looks as though they might become a thing of the past. By May of next year, McGill is planning to have replaced WebCT with a new learning management system, or LMS. The movement to replace the Blackboard[Read More…]
Students concerned about food prices; seek transparency
The residents of Royal Victoria College, Upper Residence, and Douglas Hall received an unwelcome holiday gift in January, when they found that McGill Food and Dining Services had hiked their prices. Students of Upper Residence, frustrated by what appeared to them a “lack of respect” on the part of MFDS,[Read More…]
Egyptian protests in Montreal spread to McGill campus
The protests that have engulfed Egypt came to McGill’s downtown campus on Monday in the form of a midday demonstration by Amnesty International. While this is the first physical manifestation of the turmoil at McGill, the issue has been worrying for many students since protests first began nearly two[Read More…]
Arts students showcase research
Robert Smith The first annual Faculty of Arts Undergraduate Research Event brought together bright minds from different departments on Wednesday to showcase some of the research done by undergraduates in the past year. Using various multimedia, students were asked to creatively present their research in a series of five-minute presentations.[Read More…]
Radio host Jon Steinman talks food security at McGill
Sophie Silkes On January 31, over 180 students, faculty, and community members attended a talk on local food system politics, delivered by Jon Steinman, broadcaster and host of the Nelson-based, internationally broadcast radio show “Deconstructing Dinner.” Oliver de Volpi, McGill’s executive chef, introduced Steinman and provided the crowd with mostly[Read More…]
MUS passes referendum to change constitution
In a referendum that closed on Thursday, 92.4 per cent of voting Management students approved major changes to the Management Undergraduate Society’s constitution. “[The constitution is] very, very altered,” said Eli Freedman, Management representative to the Students’ Society Council and member of the redrafting committee. “We basically took a document[Read More…]
Supreme Court Justice talks booze and the constitution
Matt Essert The Honourable Justice Morris J. Fish delivered the annual F.R. Scott Lecture on Thursday in Chancellor Day Hall, discussing alcohol’s effect on development of the Canadian Constitution. Fish received a B.A. from McGill University in 1959 and a B.C.L from the Faculty of Law in 1962. He[Read More…]