In the face of numerous unanticipated financial difficulties that have come to light this semester, the Arts Undergraduate Society’s Executive unveiled their Financial Recovery Plan to the AUS Council last Wednesday. “Like the real Marshall Plan, this isn’t just us throwing foreign aid at something,” he said. “It’s a plan[Read More…]
News, off and on campus.
Carleton University battles its student unions over fees
duate and Graduate Student Associations have had their funding cut off by the administration since November 1. Both student unions refused to sign a new agreement with the university’s administration and board of governors, and as a result the administration has refused to give the CUSA and GSA their student[Read More…]
McGill Opens New Centralized Service Point for Administrative Needs
McGill opened a new integrated service point in the recently renovated basement of the McLennan Library, designed to centralize administrative services for students. After nearly five years of planning and development, the $4.9 million renovation has created a new space offering assistance with registration and Minerva, the issuing of McGill[Read More…]
J-Board dismisses petition against Newburgh
In a June 24 decision, the Students’ Society Judicial Board dismissed the petition put forward by the McGill chapter of Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights against Zach Newburgh, the former speaker of SSMU Council. In the factum submitted last March, SPHR claimed that as chair of last winter’s General Assembly,[Read More…]
Tony Blair speaks to McGill on issues of religion and globalization
Holly Stewart Holly Stewart With his easy charm and boyish grin, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair spoke to scholars, students, religious leaders, and MPs at the Windsor Hotel on Friday. Blair’s visit was prompted by the Tony Blair Faith Foundation’s funding of teaching and research on religion and[Read More…]
Architecture students vote to stand under EUS’s umbrella
The Engineering Undergraduate Society passed a motion at their council meeting on November 9 finalizing the incorporation of the Architecture Students Association as their seventh departmental society. The ASA held a formal referendum on the potential incorporation, which ended the week before council. Sixty-five per cent of ASA students[Read More…]
Remembrance Day
Alice Walker At 11 a.m. last Thursday, veterans, soldiers, and the McGill community gathered to remember the victims of war. The solemn ceremony featured a 21-gun salute and pipes and drums from the Black Watch of Canada. It was the second year that McGill hosted the Royal Canadian Legion,[Read More…]
Cash registers and bartenders keeping busy at Gert’s
Sophie Silkes What was once considered one of the least popular spots on the McGill campus has experienced a resurgence this year. Over the past few months, Gert’s Bar has seen significant increases in sales, profits, and popularity. This September, Gert’s had $35,968 in sales and turned a $5,736 profit.[Read More…]
Principal Heather Munroe-Blum talks tuition and research
Alice Walker Last week, Principal Heather Munroe-Blum sat down with reporters from the Tribune, the Daily, and Le Délit to discuss tuition fees, the university’s relationship with Quebec City, and competition between McGill and American schools. The interview has been edited and condensed. Thanks to the Daily and Le Délit[Read More…]
Ghetto Shul set to open new student-run vegetarian cafe
Joe Juda Although it will be located a few blocks farther from campus than the Architecture Café was, McGill students will soon have a new option for student-run, reasonably priced lunches. The Ghetto Shul, a student-run synagogue, will soon open a vegetarian, student-run café at its Park Avenue facility. According[Read More…]