Montreal has seen more than 30 firebombings since last year. In November alone, there have been more than 10. The latest incident occurred last Wednesday at a Haitian grocery store, Marche Steve Anna on Belanger Street in Rosemont. According to media reports, at around 3:30 a.m., passers-by noticed smoke[Read More…]
News, off and on campus.
SSMU Report Card
Zach Newburgh President With student consultation as one of the main themes of the semester, President Zach Newburgh has thus far done an exemplary job representing the students at McGill. Newburgh was an effective public face during the Arch Café saga and helped to mobilize students by speaking at[Read More…]
Principal Munroe-Blum presents university’s financial plan
McGill Principal Heather Munroe-Blum addressed the National Assembly’s Commission on Culture and Education in Quebec City on Tuesday, urging the provincial government to allow universities to raise tuition for Quebec undergraduates to the Canadian average. The speech was Munroe-Blum’s latest attempt to convince Quebec to address what university administrators have[Read More…]
Architecture Cafe shut down by McGill
The Architecture Café has served its last cup of fair-trade coffee, as McGill administration has decided to close the popular student hangout. Deputy Provost (Student Life and Learning) Morton Mendelson cited financial losses and improper management as the primary reasons for the decision to close the café and begin plans[Read More…]
Plate Club becomes SSMU Plate Service
After three successful years of serving McGill students, the Plate Club has become a thing of the past. Students will no longer be able to go to the Plate Club to borrow dishware for lunch or events. Luckily for students the Plate Service will be filling that void. In an[Read More…]
Speaker discusses nebulous state of copyright law
On Friday, Roberto Caso, an associate professor of comparative private law at the University of Trento in Italy, addressed a small but full room of law students and faculty at Chancellor Day Hall, discussing copyright law and technology across various contexts. In his presentation, Caso explained that there is a[Read More…]
Libraries to have extended hours
McLennan Library will begin offering 24-hour access as early as October 4 this year, after the Students’ Society’s decision to allocate an additional $80,000 towards extending the library’s hours.. The Students Society’s Library Improvement Fund Committee will be allocating roughly $200,000 towards extended hours, as compared to $120,000 allocated last[Read More…]
Landlord abuse prevalent
Demands for illegal deposits, unlawful refusals of leases, collection of private information, and harassment and intimidation are among the many complaints that university housing offices have been receiving from international students in Montreal. In response, Concordia’s Student Union is urging the Quebec’s Human Rights Commission to look into the allegations.[Read More…]
Bixi popularity helping small business owners despite concerns
Just around the bend from La Bicycletterie J.R., on Rachel Street, is a Bixi stand. But the public bike service now known around the world doesn’t threaten owner Jaime Rosenbluth’s business. “It’s good for business,” Rosenbluth said. “With Bixi, people discover the joy of biking, they buy a bike,[Read More…]
McGill teams to break in improved Molson Stadium
The newly-renovated Molson Stadium will see its first regular-season varsity action on Friday night as the men’s and women’s varsity soccer teams take on Sherbrooke. The renovations were completed in June. The historic stadium, which was built in 1914 and has hosted everyone from Queen Elizabeth II to The[Read More…]