
News, off and on campus.

Cannabis shown to reduce pain

A study conducted by researchers at the McGill University Health Centre has determined that cannabis can be an effective method of pain relief for patients suffering from neuropathic pain. The study, recently published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, has added to the heated debate over the use of cannabis[Read More…]

McGill name no longer to be used by certain clubs

Holly Stewart Student-run clubs at the university with the word “McGill” in their names have faced increasing difficulties this academic year after fears of liability issues arose within the administration. When the McGill name is used in a club title, the administration has argued, it implies that the university-and not[Read More…]

AUS Frosh spends more than it earns

Arts Frosh spent more money than it brought in this year, dipping into the red after the number of freshmen who signed up failed to meet the Arts Undergraduate Society’s expectations.

The AUS has not yet released any estimates for how much it lost on Frosh this year. AUS Vice-President Finance Majd Al Khaldi is set to release an exact figure at AUS Council on September 23.

Administration proposes major changes for Athletics Board

The McGill Athletics Board could be facing major changes in the upcoming weeks. A new Terms of Reference agreement drafted over the summer proposed to turn the Athletics Board into an “advisory board” and could dramatically alter the accountability structure of the athletics budgetary approval process.

McGill Name No Longer to be Used by Certain Clubs

Student-run clubs at the university with the word “McGill” in their names have faced increasing difficulties this academic year after fears of liability issues arose within the administration. When the McGill name is used in a club title, the administration has argued, it implies that the university-and not the students who run the club-are providing the service.

Speaker Addresses Limited Resources

When settlers arrived on Easter Island in the 14th century, statues were all that remained of a once advanced civilization. The former society had used wood for almost everything and eventually depleted the island’s resources, causing the demise of its people.

McGill Campus Becomes Pedestrian Friendly

McGill took several steps to make campus more pedestrian-friendly this summer, drastically reducing the number of vehicles on both Lower Campus and McTavish Street. On May 28, McTavish Street was closed to cars and non-official traffic was eliminated from across campus.

For the Gazette, no more Sundays

Twenty-two years after its introduction, the last copy of the Sunday Gazette hit Montreal’s dépanneurs and doorsteps on August 1, cutting the Gazette’s printed editions down to six days per week. The venerable newspaper-Montreal’s sole English-language daily-made the announcement in mid-July, citing the small amount of advertising dollars brought in by the Sunday edition.

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