
News, off and on campus.

Africa is not the dark continent

A conference on African development held at Concordia University Saturday and Sunday reminded its audience of their “global responsibility” towards the world’s impoverished peoples. Organized by the Global Forum on International Cooperation, a student organization at Concordia, the conference, entitled “Connecting Global Youth Confronting Global Challenges: A Conference on African Development,” explored dilemmas and realities of development in Africa.

FEUQ membership on fall referendum

For the second time in two years, Students’ Society Council has taken steps to remove SSMU from student lobbying group la Fédération Etudiante Universitaire du Québec. In a special Council meeting held Thursday, a motion was passed that will add the question of SSMU’s membership in la FEUQ to the fall referendum ballot.

All GA motions pass

The Students’ Society held its first semi-annual General Assembly of the year last Thursday. Required once a semeseter after an ammendment to the Students’ Society constitution made last spring, the GA is designed to provide a way for students to take part in active democracy on campus.

Montreal politician makes noise in library school

The importance of libraries as a political issue was stressed by Plateau-Mont-Royal Executive Helen Fotopoulos to the Graduate School of Library and Information Studies on Wednesday. Fotopoulos spoke about her experiences trying to bring attention to the state of libraries in the Montreal area.

Exploring ethics

Renowned ethicist and McGill Professor Margaret Somerville will give the 2006 Massey Lecture at the Mount Royale Centre today. Presented by CBC Radio One and McGill University, the Massey Lecture is a prestigious annual event designed to bring scholars to Canadian universities in order to discuss issues of political, cultural or philosophical importance.

News Brief

Fasting For Darfur McGill’s Students Taking Action Now on Darfur organization participated in a broader global initiative to raise awareness about the Darfur crisis on Thursday. STAND members fasted for 24 hours and encouraged other students to give up a luxury for the day.

Former PM Joe Clark to join McGill staff

The McGill Centre for Developing-Area Studies recently hired political activist Joe Clark, who will begin teaching Oct. 1. He will be taking the position of Professor of Practice for Public-Private Sector Partnerships and will be responsible for helping build bridges between academic, public sector, private sector and NGOs to real world issues.

SSMU prepares inaugural year for Faculty Olympics

Have you always known that your faculty could beat the crap out of any other faculty on campus? You might have to put up or shut up this winter with the introduction of the first ever Faculty Olympics. Although the idea has been around since at least last year, the Faculty Olympics have never been realized.

NATIONAL: First Nations’ new station

In hopes of preserving First Nations language and promoting world peace, the first of a network of radio stations sponsored by the Global Country of World Peace was launched Thursday. The station will broadcast from Fredericton, New Brunswick in the native languages of the area, Maliseet, Mi’kmaq and Passamaquoddy.

NEWS BRIEF: International Peace Day connects with students

International Peace Day connects with students Baha’i students joined together to raise awareness and promote a message of peace to the campus community on Thursday for the first International Peace Day. This is the first time that the Baha’i organization has planned an event like this.

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