
News, off and on campus.

Students rally to save the Architecture Cafe

Margot Van Der Krogt In a last-ditch attempt to save the Architecture Café, hundreds of students gathered to protest outside the Leacock Building last Wednesday afternoon.  The rally kicked off minutes before McGill’s first senate meeting of the year was scheduled to begin in Leacock 232. As administrators, professors, and[Read More…]

Safety Week Delights

Starting as “Safety Day” at McDonald Campus and continuing downtown over the next four days, the second annual Safety Week took place at McGill last week. The event was opened by Principal Heather Munroe-Blum, and included a series of presentations, games, and a closing barbecue.

Guidelines proposed for laptop ban

The days of over-the-shoulder Facebook stalking and bemoaning the poor Tetris moves of the girl sitting in front of you could be coming to an end. A work group made up of a Teaching and Learning subcommittee of the Academic Policy Committee has developed guidelines for professors to outline the kind of action they can take regarding mobile device use in McGill classrooms. This has led to talks of banning laptops, or at least restricting their use.

AUS VP Events Londe steps down

Arts Undergraduate Society Vice-President Events Nampande Londe resigned her position on Tuesday, citing personal reasons.

Londe had recently come under fire for allowing Arts Frosh to run a budget deficit and faced the possibility that AUS Council would impeach her. But she and AUS President Dave Marshall denied that this was the reason for her resignation.

Lunchtime science

For McGill students, Midnight Kitchen is usually the best bet for snagging a free lunch on campus. But for one week at the beginning of each semester, Soup and Science edges out the vegan cooperative, offering free soup, sandwiches, and lectures by some of McGill’s brightest young professors.

Bat found with rabies

A deceased bat found September 10 at the corner of Sherbrooke and McGill College has tested positive for rabies, according to Montreal public health officials. Officials are looking for anyone whom the bat may have scratched or bitten. One person was bitten while trying to put the bat in a[Read More…]

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