
News, off and on campus.

CAMPUS: Thieves break into Leacock lockers

Last Thursday, 74 lockers in the basement of the Leacock Building were vandalized. A still unknown person or persons cut the locks and rifled through the contents of the lockers most likely between 6:30 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. As of Friday evening, some students had reported missing items, mostly of little value.

SPEAKERS ON CAMPUS: Don’t call it ‘Islamo-facism’

With the United States’ foreign policy, engagement in Iraq and Afghanistan and war on terrorism making international headlines daily, Canada’s role in the war on terror has received less scrutiny. To fill the void as well as to combat the negative views of Islam, the Muslim Students Association organized a conference last Wednesday night entitled “Canada and the War on Terror.

EDITORIAL: A hit and a miss: tales of execs’ summer projects

The academic year is back in full swing, and Students’ Society executives are for the first time facing oversight of their actions from SSMU Council. Two notable summer projects have come up so far, the Harm Reduction Centre (HRC) and the Flying Squad. Both are still in the larvae stage, and there are many details that remain to be worked out concerning their structures before they can be given full approval.

Alleged plot enrages SSMU

Relations between the Students’ Society and La Fédération Etudiante Universitaire du Québec have reached the boiling point this week due to what SSMU has deemed a “scheme to undermine the political sovereignty and democratic processes of the McGill campus.

Creating a clean Canadian future

Sustainable development and environmental law were on the minds of 65 lawyers from across Canada as they met in Montreal last week. Addressing topics such as criminal law and the environment, evaluation of environmental damages and Aboriginal law, the 18th annual Environmental Lawyers in Government conference discussed ways to solve current environmental problems.

Africa is not the dark continent

A conference on African development held at Concordia University Saturday and Sunday reminded its audience of their “global responsibility” towards the world’s impoverished peoples. Organized by the Global Forum on International Cooperation, a student organization at Concordia, the conference, entitled “Connecting Global Youth Confronting Global Challenges: A Conference on African Development,” explored dilemmas and realities of development in Africa.

FEUQ membership on fall referendum

For the second time in two years, Students’ Society Council has taken steps to remove SSMU from student lobbying group la Fédération Etudiante Universitaire du Québec. In a special Council meeting held Thursday, a motion was passed that will add the question of SSMU’s membership in la FEUQ to the fall referendum ballot.

CAMPUS: McGill to STOP laptop theft

As more students choose to bring laptops to campus the opportunities for thieves to take them has increased. Last year over 120 laptops were reported stolen by students and unfortunately for laptop owners, the numbers are increasing. This is one reason why Security Services launched a new laptop tracking program for students in partnership with Connecticut-based Security Tracking of Office Property (STOP).

CAMPUS: 4Floors postponed

The recent events at Dawson College caused the Students’ Society to reschedule the traditional September 4Floors party in Shatner last week. However, after low attendance in previous years, many are wondering if 4Floors can ever be revived to its previous glory days.

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