McGill ranks 44th among the top 1,662 universities in the world, and third in Canada, according to the Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings released Sept. 1. This signals a four-spot drop from McGill’s previous 2021 placement. The London-based ranking organization grounds its ratings in 13 separate performance indicators[Read More…]
News, off and on campus.
SSMU University Centre reopens after three-year hiatus
After a three-year closure, the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) University Centre, located at 3480 McTavish St., has officially reopened. The University Centre has been a one-stop destination for students to enjoy university life, offering space for clubs and communities to meet as well as operating a student bar.[Read More…]
Students and staff push for better COVID-19 academic accommodations
Members of the McGill community have been requesting more inclusive academic considerations since the university’s requirement that students and faculty be on campus for Fall 2021. Similar to the academic accommodations that apply specifically to students with the Office for Students with Disabilities, academic considerations are specific to COVID-19 concerns[Read More…]
SSMU BoD to explore legality of vaccination mandate for SSMU employees
The Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Board of Directors (BoD) convened on Sept. 9, voting on a motion to investigate the legality of enforcing a COVID-19 vaccination mandate for SSMU employees. The board also approved a budget for purchasing new office furniture. Claire Downie, SSMU vice-president (VP) of university[Read More…]
Two McGill alumni win grant for COVID-19 vaccine community outreach initiative
The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) awarded a $10,000 grant to Tammy Xuan Bui, MScPH ‘21, and Nehal Islam, a current McGill medical student and MSc ‘21 on June 7. The funds will go toward implementing the duo’s community-based proposal called WeCanVax—an initiative that seeks to increase diverse communities’[Read More…]
Students wait in line for hours at McGill’s first on-campus vaccination clinic
Amidst the implementation of Quebec’s vaccine passport, McGill announced that a vaccination clinic in Redpath Hall would offer first and second doses and register vaccines received outside of Quebec on Sept. 3. The event was heavily advertised by email and across McGill’s various social media accounts, but many attendees felt[Read More…]
Students and professors stage protest, demand vaccine mandate and a safer campus
Members of the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) protested outside the James Administration building Sept. 1, calling for a safe and accessible return to campus. The common area outside was decorated with SSMU banners and posters that displayed slogans, with one asking whether McGill wanted its bicentennial to be[Read More…]
McGill Governance 101
STUDENTS’ SOCIETY OF MCGILL UNIVERSITY (SSMU) What it does: SSMU represents all undergraduate student interests and rights in the McGill Senate. SSMU consists of four bodies—General Assembly and Referenda, Board of Directors, Legislative Council, and Executive Council—and is led by seven elected executives, including the president, vice-president (VP), VP internal,[Read More…]
Tribune Explains: Vaccine passports at McGill
As of Sept. 1, accessing non-essential services in Quebec will require a COVID-19 vaccination passport, which is a government proof of full vaccination. While curricular activities at McGill will not require the passport for participation, much of student life will. What is the vaccine passport? The vaccine passport is a[Read More…]
New Vic Project town hall reveals renovation plans
Leaders of McGill’s New Vic Project held a town hall on Aug. 31 to review proposed renovations to the Royal Victoria Hospital site and to answer questions from students and faculty. Among those present were the executive sponsors of the project, provost Christopher Manfredi and vice-principal (Administration and Finance) Yves[Read More…]