The McGill Research Group on Health and Law (RGHL) held an interdisciplinary panel on Jan. 13 titled “New or normal? Privacy, Public Health and the Pandemic.” Moderated by Faculty of Law associate professor Lara Khoury, the three panellists, Dr. Anne Andermann, Ignacio Cofone, and Dr. Khaled El Emam, discussed the[Read More…]
News, off and on campus.
SSMU hosts presentation on tenant rights and gentrification
The Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Affordable Student Housing Committee hosted a presentation on Jan. 12 called “How to not get screwed over by your landlord.” Student speakers Julianna Duholke, 3L Law, Alex Apostolidis, U3 BFA, and Andrew Faber, second-year M.U.P., called on their peers to know their rights[Read More…]
McGill’s new Climate and Sustainability Strategy receives mixed reactions
After months of consultation spanning from January 2020 to September 2020, McGill’s new Climate and Sustainability Strategy (2020-2025) was endorsed by the McGill Board of Governors during their meeting on Dec. 10. The strategy addresses the three long-term goals of achieving a platinum sustainability rating by 2030, becoming zero-waste by[Read More…]
PGSS Legislative Council votes to restructure Health and Wellness Committee
During the Post-Graduate Students’ Society’s (PGSS) virtual Council meeting on Jan. 13, councillors approved the proposed restructuring of the PGSS Health and Wellness Committee and discussed the inclusion of graduate students on departmental faculty hiring committees. At the beginning of the meeting, former PGSS Secretary-General Maria Tippler spoke on her[Read More…]
McGill Senate approves a retroactive S/U option for the Fall 2020 and Winter 2021 semesters
The McGill Senate convened for a special meeting on Dec. 15 to vote on a motion regarding implementing the Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) option for the Fall 2020 and Winter 2021 semesters. The Senate voted in favour of the motion after hearing from student and faculty senators, nearly all of whom supported[Read More…]
SSMU Legislative Council discusses McGill administration’s stance on the S/U policy
The Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Legislative Council convened on Dec. 4 to pass several motions and discuss recent student activism that has been pressuring the administration into adopting the Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) policy for Fall 2020 semester courses. The council also voted to approve a motion which will provide[Read More…]
McGill Senate extends winter break by three days and sends proposed S/U policy back for revision
Winter break extension After mounting pressure from the student body for a longer winter break, the McGill Senate approved a motion on Dec. 2 to extend the winter break by three days for all faculties except the Faculty of Dentistry and the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. The first[Read More…]
Rest in prose: How COVID-19 is affecting the obituary industry
She lived through the Spanish flu. He portrayed a suave MI6 agent on the big screen. She invented the windshield wiper. He remained a bon vivant into his ninth decade. She came to be known as “the people’s princess.” These are some of the subjects of the newspaper’s obituary pages.[Read More…]
Refugee Research Group webinar discusses contemporary refugee issues
The McGill Refugee Research Group held its latest event in the Contemporary Refugee Issues Fall 2020 Series, “Global Updates: Refugee Protection and Empowerment webinar,” on Nov. 26. The webinar explored both the individual and organizational responses to refugee crises around the world, which the COVID-19 pandemic has worsened. Three McGill[Read More…]
Fall 2020 TAs still missing payments as the semester nears end
Following various technical issues with Workday, McGill’s new human resources (HR) system, the Association of Graduate Students Employed at McGill (AGSEM) has filed several individual, union, and collective grievances against the university in accordance with their Collective Agreement (CA). Some problems included lack of access to technology necessary to teach[Read More…]