The Nov. 6 Post Graduate Students’ Society (PGSS) meeting in the Thomson House Ballroom initially met its 90-member quorum. However, several members left the meeting later in the evening, and all votes lost their binding status. Following some standard announcements, the motions to approve the PGSS opposition on Bill 21[Read More…]
News, off and on campus.
Mental Health Commission of Canada announces post-secondary mental health standard
The Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC) recently announced a collaboration with the Canadian Standards Association to develop a standard for the psychological health and safety of post-secondary students. According to the Commission’s website, post-secondary educational institutions are free to adopt and modify the policy, known as the Post-Secondary Students[Read More…]
CSSDP to provide free drug-testing kits to students
Canadian Students for Sensible Drug Policy (CSSDP) is currently applying for funding to launch a pilot project that will provide free drug-testing kits to McGill students. At the moment, the McGill-based student group is collecting data through a survey that they released to the student body on Oct. 31. The[Read More…]
Fall 2019 referendum endorsements
The McGill Tribune’s editorial board provides its endorsements for the Fall 2019 Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) referendum period. Creation of Indigenous Equity Fund and Fee: Yes The proposed creation of this non-opt-outable $1.00 fee would serve three purposes: Funding the activities of the SSMU Indigenous Affairs Committee, financing projects[Read More…]
“Save Our Samosas” protest draws crowd of six
Six students gathered to protest McGill’s samosa ban in front of Roddick Gates on Nov. 4. The Facebook group ‘Save Our Samosas’ organized the protest and received over 1,200 likes on their page as of press time, with 600 students expressing interest in attending the event. While most of those[Read More…]
Tribune Explains: McGill’s updated drug policy
McGill’s updated Policy Concerning Alcohol, Cannabis, and Other Drugs went into effect on Nov. 1. The McGill Tribune spoke with Gabriel Aboutboul and Matthew McLaughlin, representatives for Canadian Students for Sensible Drug Policy McGill (CSSDP), about how this policy will affect drug use at McGill. Which drugs are allowed under this policy?[Read More…]
Pulitzer Prize-winning biographer gives lecture on Gorbachev
Pulitzer Prize-winning author and renowned political science professor at Amherst College Bill Taubman gave a lecture on the life of Soviet Union (USSR) leader Mikhail Gorbachev to a packed audience of McGill students and professors on Nov. 1. Drawing from his 2017 biography, Taubman presented the head of state as[Read More…]
Experts discuss threats to the international nuclear order
Experts convened to discuss threats to the global nuclear order on Nov. 1 at Thomson House. Hosted by McGill’s Centre for Peace and International Security Studies and moderated by Jennifer Welsh, Canada 150 Research Chair in Global Governance and Security at McGill, panellists discussed the shift in global power after[Read More…]
44 students attend SSMU General Assembly
The Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) held its semesterly General Assembly (GA) on Oct. 28, with only 44 students in attendance. The GA, which failed to meet its 350 member quorum, ratified the Board of Directors and the Auditor. SSMU President Bryan Buraga joked about the pitiful attendance during[Read More…]
Prologue or epilogue: What’s next for the McGill Book Fair
Undeterred by a recent history rife with alternating closures and revivals, the McGill Book Fair opened its doors again for a three-day sale Oct. 29 – 31. Nearing its 50th anniversary, the fair sells tens of thousands of gently used books—ranging in genre from biographies to romance novels—along with an[Read More…]