With its alternative cafés, restaurants, and thrift stores, the Plateau neighbourhood might appear to be a flourishing area for anyone who grew up outside of Montreal. However, in reality, the online short-term renting platform Airbnb has caused long-standing residents to be evicted, housing market prices to rise, and small businesses[Read More…]
News, off and on campus.
Tribune Explains: The SSMU Base Fee Increase
In this year’s Winter Referendum, the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) is asking students to approve a significant increase to their mandatory base fee. The McGill Tribune spoke with SSMU President Tre Mansdoerfer about what SSMU is planning to do with the new funds. Why is SSMU trying to[Read More…]
AUS Council members working to overturn availability of POLI 339
Following the McGill administration’s decision to list POLI 339 on Minerva, the Arts Undergraduate Society (AUS) claimed that it was working to revoke the move during its Legislative Council meeting on Mar. 20. Additionally, the AUS Equity Commissioners presented their 2018 Frosh Report, which overviews the accessibility and safety of[Read More…]
McGill receives $1.8 million to reduce its carbon footprint
McGill has received $1.8 million in funding from the Canadian federal government’s Low Carbon Economy Fund (LCEF) for three projects aimed at lowering the university’s carbon footprint. Catherine McKenna, Canada’s minister of Environment and Climate Change, visited McGill on Feb. 22 to announce the decision. “The federal government is partnering[Read More…]
SSMU sanctions over 100 clubs
Since the start of Winter 2019, the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) has been enforcing stricter regulations on its member clubs, sanctioning around 100 according to SSMU VP Finance Jun Wang. Although SSMU sent an email to member clubs on Feb. 18 with a reminder of regulations governing student[Read More…]
Students worldwide march for climate justice
Over 150,000 protesters, including university, CEGEP, and primary school students, joined the Montreal march for climate justice on March 15. The march, organized by the student movement La planète s’invite à l’Université, was one of more than 2,000 of its kind in 125 countries. Around 1,500 McGill students attended the[Read More…]
Protesters riot during annual anti-police brutality demonstration
Protestors took to the streets in downtown Montreal on March 15 for the 23rd annual anti-police brutality demonstration. The event was initially peaceful, beginning in the evening with a gathering at Norman Bethune Square. Food Against Fascists provided meals to the crowd and community members took turns delivering speeches highlighting the[Read More…]
Progressive groups on campus form alliance
Founded in fall 2018, Solidarity Alliance McGill (SAM) is a new umbrella organization that serves to unite several of McGill’s socially-progressive groups. Student clubs such as Divest McGill, McGill Students for the New Democratic Party (NDP McGill), and Socialist Fightback at McGill and Concordia attended a Feb.11 SAM meeting to[Read More…]
Tribune Explains: The Montreal wastewater system
With the spring thaw on the horizon, students are already swerving away from massive puddles on street corners and sidewalks. To better understand why the temporary flooding is so severe, The McGill Tribune looked into how Montreal handles its wastewater. Where does the water go? According to the City of Montreal,[Read More…]
SSMU and McGill join forces for a Fall Reading Week
As students return to classes from a week off, they can rest assured that the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) is working in conjunction with the McGill administration for the implementation of a similar break in the Fall semester. Following a referendum question in Winter 2018 where 96 per[Read More…]