Motion to Ban Recording of Legislative Council Meetings Carries Prior to discussing the POLI 339 vote, the Legislative Council approved a motion to institute a standing rule banning the taping or recording of AUS Legislative Council meetings. Under the approved motion, campus media may be exempt from the ban if[Read More…]
News, off and on campus.
Law enforcement and community experts call for dialogue on systemic discrimination
To promote a better understanding of systemic discrimination and how to combat it, the Centre for Research-Action on Race Relations (CRARR) and the Criminal Law Group of McGill co-hosted a panel discussion on Feb. 11 titled “Systemic Discrimination: Challenges for Policing in An Age of Diversity and Heightened Public Scrutiny.”[Read More…]
UTILE proposes an affordable student housing project for McGill
The Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) is in the preliminary stages of constructing residential spaces in collaboration with Unité de travail pour l’implantation de logement étudiant (UTILE), a non-profit organization that works toward establishing affordable housing for students in Québec. UTILE was founded in 2012 in an attempt to[Read More…]
McGill receives $200 million to fund graduate scholarships
On Feb. 14, the McGill University Board of Governors (BoG) announced the new McCall MacBain Scholarship and discussed the Strategic Research Plan, sexual violence policy revisions, and the annual report of the Committee on Student Discipline. The BoG also approved motions that were previously approved by Senate, such as the[Read More…]
Candidates discuss accessibility, mental health, and equity at AUS elections debate
With the voting period for Arts Undergraduate Society (AUS) executives now underway, AUS Elections hosted a debate on Feb. 12 for candidates to discuss their platforms and respond to questions. All executive positions except for Vice-President (VP) Academic are uncontested. Meanwhile, there are six candidates up for the position of[Read More…]
SUS General Council debates raising fees
The Science Undergraduate Society (SUS) met on Feb. 6 to add two questions to the ballot for the upcoming SUS referendum. The Council also discussed changing how departments receive funding, an increase in the SUS membership fee, and the renewal of the Lab Improvement Fund. Increase in SUS membership fees[Read More…]
SSMU hosts its first annual National Eating Disorder Awareness Week
The McGill community observed National Eating Disorder Awareness Week, which runs Feb. 1-7, for the first time with the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) programming. Each day saw a different session related to eating disorders, including a workshop titled “Unboxing Fatphobia,” a discussion panel, and a mental wellness poetry[Read More…]
Black History Month highlights racism in Canada
As part of McGill’s Black History Month 2019, the Black Students’ Network of McGill (BSN) and Black Law Students’ Association of McGill (BLSAM) hosted a panel titled “Racism and Systemic Discrimination: The Canadian Context” on Feb. 4 to shed light on the realities of black lives in Canada. Moderated by[Read More…]
McGill hosts guest lecturer and author to discuss the complexities of freedom of speech on campus
Over the past few years, a number of high-profile universities in North America have experienced brawls, protests, and fires from students objecting certain guest speakers invited to their campuses. Sigal Ben-Porath, author of Free Speech on Campus and professor at the University of Pennsylvania, spoke to the issues surrounding free speech[Read More…]
Media experts consider anti-elite sentiments in rising populism
McGill’s new Max Bell School of Public Policy hosted a panel discussion on Feb. 5 titled “Does Rising Populism Threaten Good Public Policy?” According to its panellists, the answer is yes. The sold-out event took place in the Faculty Club ballroom with Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Executive Editor and Pulitzer-Prize-winner David Shribman[Read More…]