
News, off and on campus.

Department ratifies guidelines on staff-student relationships

The Political Science Students’ Association (PSSA) announced on Oct. 9 that the Department of Political Science had unanimously ratified a set of guidelines regarding relationships between instructors and students at McGill, becoming the first department at McGill to do so. McGill’s Policy Against Sexual Violence suggests that professor-student relationships constitute[Read More…]

50 years of career reinvention

Founded in 1968, the School of Continuing Studies (SCS) celebrated its 50th anniversary on Oct. 11. To mark the occasion, the SCS hosted a reception titled Careers by Design: Building Futures in an Age of Disruption. Speakers shared how they found fulfillment by following their own instincts and continuing to[Read More…]

Trib explains: Cannabis law

The Government of Canada is legalizing cannabis for recreational use on Oct. 17 following Senate’s contentious June 19 vote to pass Bill C-45. Rules and regulations will vary across provinces and territories; some are opting for government-run stores over private dispensaries, and there will be variations in the legality of[Read More…]

SSMU VP External Marina Cupido resigns

The executive board of the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) is one member short as of Wednesday. On Oct. 10, SSMU announced the resignation of vice-president (VP) External Marina Cupido in a statement emailed to SSMU members by VP Internal Matthew McLaughlin, which cited mental health concerns as the[Read More…]

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