At the Post-Graduate Students’ Society of McGill University (PGSS) meeting on Nov. 21, councillors discussed the McGill-PGSS Library Improvement Fund (LIF) contract and voted to endorse changing the Redmen name. Despite the setback of missing documentation, Sara Allan, PGSS Library Improvement Fund coordinator, presented on the LIF and the Council[Read More…]
News, off and on campus.
SSMU’s great bank switch
As part of a massive financial overhaul, the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) is currently switching from ScotiaBank to the Royal Bank of Canada (RBC). SSMU was one of ScotiaBank’s biggest customers with over 230 accounts. “We’re one of the only student unions that gives this many clubs this[Read More…]
Constitutional challenge contested in judicial hearing
The Student Society of McGill University’s (SSMU) Judicial Board (J-Board) held a hearing on Nov. 20 to determine if the Anti-Violence Fee Levy (AVFL) motion was constitutional. The AVFL passed referendum on Nov. 12 with 79.4 per cent of students in favour of the creation of the new fee, which would[Read More…]
Cundill History Prize lecture explores colonization and punishment in Siberia
On Nov.16, the 2018 Cundill History Prize was awarded to Maya Jasanoff for her account of the life of Joseph Conrad in her book “The Dawn Watch: Joseph Conrad in a Global World.” Juror Jeffrey Simpson, former Globe and Mail national affairs columnist and winner of Canadian literary prizes, commented on[Read More…]
Cracking the code
For the first time since 2013, McGill’s Code of Student Conduct is set to be revised. Proposed changes include expanding the formal definition of the ‘university context‘ which sets the code’s jurisdiction, removing intent as a requirement for charges of harassment and unnecessary endangerment, and expanding powers for disciplinary officers[Read More…]
Richard King discusses history of Indigenous representation in sports
On Nov. 8, the McGill Indigenous Studies Program and Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Indigenous Affairs hosted a lecture by Columbia College Chicago Professor Richard King on indigenous stereotypes in sports. For over 25 years, King has researched racial politics and representation in sports, publishing several books on the topic.[Read More…]
Changes to S/U grading scheme show promise
The proposal to amend the Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) grading scheme has gained traction following its endorsement by the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Legislative Council on Nov. 1. Spearheaded by Vice-President (VP) University Affairs (UA) Jacob Shapiro, the S/U project advocates providing students with the choice to receive a letter[Read More…]
North Korean defector Alice Kim emphasizes the power of policies
McGill Students for HanVoice, a non-profit that advocates for North Korean human rights, hosted “Alice Kim: The Journey of a North Korean Defector” on Nov. 16. The event featured two speakers: Kazue Takamura, professor at McGill’s Institute for the Study of International Development, and Alice Kim herself, who is in[Read More…]
Social work students strike against unpaid internships
Social work students will participate in a strike against mandatory unpaid internships Nov. 19-23. The Social Work Student Association (SWSA) had previously voted at their Oct. 24 General Assembly to join undergraduate student associations at UQAM and Université de Montréal in demanding internship remuneration from the provincial government. In solidarity,[Read More…]
Trib Explains: The SSMU Gendered and Sexual Violence Policy
What is the GSVP? During the 2016-17 academic year, accusations of sexual violence were levied against the former vice-president external and president of the Student Society of McGill University (SSMU). While McGill’s administration had a policy against sexual violence during the upheaval, SSMU had no such legislation, leading to an[Read More…]